Helmet Laws in the USA

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I laugh my head off when I see all those dumbass professional car, motorcycle, bicycle, boat, and downhill ski racers put on those stupid helmets. Didn't anyone tell them that helmets are worthless?

When I want to know about the health risks of smoking I go right to the tobacco companies for straight answers. When I want to know about helmet safety I go right to the AMA.

My only beef with the AMA is that they force all the AMA racers to wear helmets. When will their attitude towards racers be that same as that towards the rest of us, i.e. strictly a matter of choice. Then the racers could read all those voluminous technical reports, statistical analysis, crash seen investigations, etc., just like us squids always do, and decide if they want to wear a helmet in their next race. Too bad most of them have been wearing helmets so long that they never worried about their race day hairdoos. Rather than get on the track with lousy hair showing, they'll take the easy way out and wear a helmet.

Some will always say that riding 150 MPH down a curvy, two way, public road is not as dangerous as riding on a track. Apples and oranges?

Maybe we'll have an early spring.
Here we go again,I'm just happy to ride in California any day of the year,with or with out helmet.
Hey Walt what part of Germany or Russia do the rest of these experts on Helmets come from?
I thought we lived in America,home of the Free and Land of the Brave!!!!Sorry about the political stuff Maui,but some of these people just kill me,anyway FREE SPEECH!!!

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 06 December 1999).]
Sherm, I bought My Busa in Belleville, motorcycle Mall On Washington Ave. Lot of Riff-Raff in the town now..but the Dealer is pretty cool.

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Sherm in my youth I raced motocross and every day we practiced after school, the helmet I wore then was a Bell Magnum open face helmet. In the years of riding Dirt bikes many a scar was left in that helmet, you do fall off in the dirt.

I have always chose to wear a helmet when on the street, in CT. there is no helmet law. I do not think any state should dictate what is safe, it should be by choice.

If I saw anyone riding a Busa with out a helmet, I would call that very stupid as the speeds the bike is capable of every bit of protection you wear is in your best interest.

Riding a Harley most think a Helmet is unfashionable, well so are caskets.


I have lost a few close friends over the years from head injuries, and I wish they were still here. The saying "the good die young" is bullshit, dead is dead!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 06 December 1999).]
Good post KAW,,and for all the "Tough Guys" who don't wear Helmets, Simple Test,,it's gotta be simple cause Not wearing a Helmet you must be an Idiot.


Bang your head against the wall "Without" a Helmet.

Bang your head with a Helmet.

End Of Test.

A Fort Lee NJ Cop Died on his Harley while on Duty This past summer going to an academy class, he was wearing one of those ridiculous Salad bowl/skull cap type Helmets,,fell off hit the Black top,then hit a lamp post,,cause of death Massive head injuries.

Common sense people,,,A chimp knows better,,wear a helmet.

Plus it's better for us Cops coming to a scene,,before or after lunch/dinner..to see or not to see Brain Matter all over the road,,BARF !!!

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I cannot believe that some of the people on a Hayabusa board would even consider the wearing of the helmet an issue. As mentioned: "with the speeds this bike is capable of..."
Come on now, this is a no brainer. If you don't want to wear a helmet, ask the people that will be feeding you and wiping your behind if they want you to wear one. Ask the people that will be mourning at your funeral if they want you to wear one. Ask the person who pays outrageous insurance premiums if he wants you to wear one. Ask the people on this board, who no doubt care what happens to any of you that ride, with or without a helmet. There are other and better issues out there concerning freedom than the ridiculous notion of going "helmetless". Please please please wear a helmet! If you think you look silly with it, imagine how silly your brain will look on the pavement without it. God, I can't believe this is even an issue...Tom G.
Check out, if you haven't, the opening beach scene on "Saving Private Ryan", the scene where a bullet bounces off a soldier's helmet, then he removes it to check it out just to be shot in the head by the next one. Just think about that next time you ride without a helmet. I wear mine all the time.

Yes, I also wonder if those so called helmet experts know how to ride a motorcycle.
Lets drop this posting really fast,yes helmet saves lives,so does not smoking,not drinking,wearing bullet proof vest,not going on a airplane that will either blowup in flight or crash due to mechanical failure or what ever in life.When you die you die,lots of people make wrong choices in life and lots of people have bad luck.When your time comes your time will come.I had friends who died with helmets on and I had friends who died with out helmets.Yes your head is not as stronge as a modern helmet and your body can not stop a bullet or knife or car/truck that runs into you.But you must live your life with out hurting someone else in the process.You can wear the best helmet in the world but when that car/truck that runs a red light or turns left in front of you that helmet will not save your life if you slam into it at a high rate of speed.In the end lots of my co-workers ask me why I ride motorcyles and they tell me how much danger there is out there and how their uncle,dad,son,neighbor or friend got killed riding their motorcycle with or with out a helmet and I tell them how many people do you know died driving a car/truck with or with out wearing seat belts that is when they shut up.We will all die someday that is a given.So live the life you want to live.Everytime you take a drink of beer or smoke that cigar or ride down that highway doing 100mph plus who's life are you endangering.Bottom line people have died for just being Christains!!!!!!Peace and ride safe

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 06 December 1999).]
The Chunk out of my Shoei RF-800 After my spill is Reason enough for me. Sure if we Get torpedoed at an intersection and get turned into tomato puree We'll be fertilizer real fast, But the slow/moderate speed spills that people take,a helmet will make all the difference.

Or would people Rather be fed through a tube,,and "hope" while your family visits you as you lay like a over ripe avacado trip over the Plug to end your misery.

spring Time a New Shoei XS-P for me :)

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FC - old Chinese proverb: "sometimes tongue in cheek look like foot in mouth"

I'm on your side.
PS I grew up in Belleville.

KA - If the rider is to decide, what is the basis for the decision. Unfortunately most riders will not base their decision on an analysis of helmet safety studies. They will do what their peers do, and in states without helmet laws the overwhelming majority of their peers do not wear helmets.(Come to think of it, neither do professional wrestlers.)
My opinion : If bikers aren't smart enough to wear a helmet they don't deserve the privilege of riding. Same with seatbelts. If riders aren't smart enough to wear a helmet they probably aren't smart enough to ride correctly. I don't want to share the road with those who have a deathwish. (those that even realize what happens when an unprotected head hits the pavement) Those that don't "get it" are too stupid to be on the road.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 06 December 1999).]
After reviewing all the various legislations, isn't it lovely how big brother watch for us and wants to take care of us?
...laws seem to be geared twords the lowest commen denominator these days, and as far as helment laws go, well that whole issue is just Evolution in action!
A citizen's freedom only extends so far as they do not infringe on the freedoms of others. In my state we are all forced to be responsible for those that refuse to minimize injury and death though the simple use of helmets. They infringe on the freedoms of others. Until this changes I support the enactment of mandatory helmet laws. There are too many that can't/won't ever grasp the concept of an unprotected head hitting the asphalt. Some people refuse to do the right thing unless they are forced to. They should also be required to bear responsibility for the reasonable protection of any passengers they may have. It's no different than requiring passengers in your car to use seat belts, keeping your firearms in a secure location unaccessable from kids, proper disposal of toxic chemicals etc etc ...

Self Responsibility: What a concept!

Deal with it.

Maybe this will help:

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 07 December 1999).]
We will all die one day,so lets talk motorcycles,most of you are not real racers or politicians or police or expert on the Constitution so with that said lets get back to motorcycles and if you are one of those that I listed well good for you.Just get back to motorcycles.