Helmet Laws in the USA

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he he - Hey Cisco maybe we should should cut and paste all this for next time. It would save us from having to type it all yet again!
Can't believe this subject is getting recycled already.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 07 December 1999).]
Hey, thanks for correcting my posting Shane. I rechecked the wording of the Constitution, after I had already posted unfortunately, and could not find the "pursuit" line. Declaration of Independance will, hopefully, now stick more firmly in the ol' noggin.

Speaking historically, I realized a bit ago that today is Pearl Harbor Day and is cause for salute to all the WWII veterans, alive or dead, whom fought valiantly for our beloved country!!!! Cheers to them!!

Now back to 'busa discussion.
I've ridden with helmet properly fastened. I've ridden without any protective headgear. Both on the 'busa. I am fortunate enough to live in a state where helmets are not required by law. I would rather say that the rider should be old enough to understand the consequences of riding without a helmet before they can be allowed to remove it during riding on public roads but we all know that is not so. But that aside the constitution of the United States of America provides for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And if riding without a helmet makes you happy then who are any of us to judge.

I perfectly understand that riding with a helmet increases your chance of survival from head impact when experiencing a low or high speed accident, which is why you'll be hard pressed to find me riding without a helmet. But, and there's always a but isn't there, when someone wants to ride without a helmet I feel that person is just exercising his/her right to do so. If and/or when that person without a helmet gets into an accident maybe he/she will reconsider the helmet issue, provided they live through it, but it is not the government's right to infringe upon the freedom of the citizens of our great country and their pursuit of happiness.

Just because a helmet increases your chance of survival does not mean it can save your life. Just looking at the paperwork that is issued with most all approved helmets states that wearing a helmet might not help at all from a head impact at any speed. Kind of makes me wonder what the hell I'm paying for sometimes, though protection from flying debris at breakneck speeds is priceless.

[This message has been edited by suiciderider (edited 07 December 1999).]
Guess that means I should be able to ride/drive as fast as I please since it's my constitutional right to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which happens to be 180+ mph in my case. Some people enjoy abusing themselves with illegal drugs -maybe that's just their way of enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Riding is a PRIVELEGE not a right.

This subject has been hashed to death and always ends up in the same place:

If people don't want to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves and they die because of it then that's just less traffic for us to deal with. The problem begins when other people's rights, well being and property are sacraficed in the process. IF helmetless riders can GUARANTEE that no one else other than themselves will be affected financially, emotionally or legally when they splatter their brains then I have no problem. The way things stand today in my state this is not so and we shouldn't be responsible for the mistakes of those unwilling to take reasonable precautions to avoid death and injury. Why should we pay increased insurance premiums, medical costs and be pentalized with increased restictions due to those that are unwilling to utilize safety equipment designed to prevent injury? Seatbelts are a perfect parallel anaolgy in my opinion. They have worked well and saved countless lives. I'm amazed that safety equipment use designed to minimize injury on a motorcyle is even debatable. I'll probably find out right after I figure out how Clinton was elected TWICE. :)
Sounds like an anger management problem.

Like I said, riding without a helmet is legal where I ride. If you, or anyone, wishes to break the law that's something I can not encourage. If breaking the law makes you happy then do so and reap the consequences. If anyone wishes to ride motorcycles without a helmet in a state that doesn't allow it then join up with the people of the web page posted in the beginning of this topic. Maybe they can help you out?

I encourage all riders to be safe rather than sorry whether they are wearing a helmet or not.

Uh, you said...
"the constitution of the United States of America provides for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

...that actually comes from a document that has NO legal force in our nation - but one of historical importance...

"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

Most Americans look at the Declaration of Independence as a legal document. It is not.

That said, I agree with you on the helmet issue and I feel that the Declaration of Independence should be made part of our law.

Todd, I used to ride sans helmet before the law changed and my step-mom (now deceased from liver failure) made me sign an organ donor card. I wouldn't mind signing a card (attached to my lic) stating that if my brain dead body is found in an accident and I don't have on a helmet - euthanize me. I could keep the cash in the bank to pay for the euthanasia.

A side thought. My step-mom cost our society mutiple millions of dollars with her TWO liver transplants. And, yes, she used to drink. Should we outlaw drinking. I guess so - smoking is just about illegal here in CA.
On the idea of Big Brother doing way too much to protect us from ourselves via mandatory helmet laws, think about this...

If you have an accident without a helmet and sustain major brain injuries but don't die, your long stay in ICU will cost big bucks. If the cost over-runs your health coverage, who pays the rest? Answer; the rest of us here do. Bottom line...it's not just your brain you put at risk, it is the cost burden on the rest of us, the taxpayers. No man is an island, etc., etc. What you do affects more than just you.

I'm a believer in what I call "the inalienable right to be left alone". But that right only extends so far. Do what you want, but don't step on other people's feet while you are doing it.