
I used HJC and Shoei for many years.
Now Shoei is all I use. With all the online discounts they are not too expensive.
I have had to install comm gear in both brands.
The HJC is easier to take apart.
quality of the Shoei seems higher.
Try several brands on and get the one that fits best.
Shoei fits me best and wind noise is lower than the HJC.
I still use ER6 ear phones/plugs.
I like quiet. Another hint, forget about price and get what fits you best. Buy a quality helmet, your head is worth it. :thumbsup:
Good luck.

True, fit should be a main concern when buying a helmet, but not all times will a more expensive helmet mean it is safer. I have helmets from several manufacturers including Shoei, KBC, HGC and Zox. Each helmet has a different fit, noise level and ability to deal with fogging etc. The helmets ranged in price from around $70 to several hundred for my Shoei. The one thing they all share is that they exceed both Snell and DOT requirments. That is a must for me regardless of brand. All I'm saying is you can get a good helmet for not much money if you shop around, like the Snell and DOT approved HJC newenough.com have on sale now for $70. Whatever you do, please wear the best helmet you can afford, every time you get on the busa!:thumbsup:
Has anyone ever thought about applying noise-cancelling technology to a motorcycle helmet?
1 thing is i always wear a helmet. I do apprciate all of yall advice. Believe me when i say i took alot out of this post here. So thanks. I will go to the classified, then start my shopping.
Im not sure your going to find one that doesnt have wind noise, My HJC does a pretty good job, But once we get wound up I dont think its any better than any other out there, Ive had some really cheap ones and a couple expensive ones, Wear the Ear plugs and you wont know the difference except for the money you save.
I've had (in recent history at least) a Shoei RF900, a Shoei RF1000, a Scorpion, a Z1R, and now an Arai Vector.
With helmets, FIT IS EVERYTHING. Find one that truly fits your head, wind noise will be minimized and comfort will be maximized. I thought my RF1000 fit well until I put the Arai on the first time. It is by far the best fitting/feeling helmet I've ever worn. For my head shape at least, not saying it's the one for you. But I still use ear plugs, takes away the distraction of the wind noise and leaves enough motor music for me to tell where I'm at rpm wise.
Shop for fit, pay the $$ required to get the fit. Otherwise it'll always be a source of discomfort in your ride.

+1, spend the money and get what fits, also, the less vents the less noise. I wear nothing but shoei's and love them, plus you know the old saying. $50.00 head, buy a $50.00 helmet. My head is worth more to me. Don't take offense. Brian
I just bought a new Scorpion; it's colored hi-vis neon yellow-green, and is exactly the same shade as my Olympia riding jacket of the same color. The hi-vis makes me MUCH more visible to other motorists, and I am convinced it improves my odds of avoiding an accident. Besides the color, I really like the Scorpion - the fit, the features, etc.
As for sound - I always wear ear plugs (unless I'm just running to the store). My favorite plugs are the silicone blobs that very easily mold to the ear. Good luck finding a quiet helmet. IMHO you are always better served wearing plugs.

Yea, ive done talked to lots of ppl. As for now i will be getn the ear plugs. semperfi- let me know the link with those ear phones if u find them.
fit and function are the most important once you see the SNELL and DOT ratings... shoei helmets just fit my mellon better than others I've tried. Good on noise as others have said. I also have a set of ear plugs, silicon custom molded ones. you can get them at most of the motorcycle shows for 20-30 from a place called big ears. They also sell the molds as speakers, great for all kinds of situations (planes, loud rooms, etc) :beerchug:
I've not had a chance to roadtest it for noise yet but I just bought an Icon Mainframe. I will say the fit seems to be excellent, it looks good and I found it for just over $100 :thumbsup::thumbsup:
From what I've seen/heard/read, it seems that earplugs are a smart choice with ANY helmet. Wind noise is not quiet enough in ANY helmet to protect your hearing.
+1, spend the money and get what fits, also, the less vents the less noise. I wear nothing but shoei's and love them, plus you know the old saying. $50.00 head, buy a $50.00 helmet. My head is worth more to me. Don't take offense. Brian

Of course this is rubbish. I got my HJC for $45 at Newenough, it took a beating when I lowsided in Atlanta, and apart from scratching the back of the helmet, both it and I survived a 200+ foot slide. On the other hand, I had a fantastic looking black Shoei, it got knocked off the bike while stationary and it damn near split apart. I think its safe to assume your head is worth more than even the most expensive "painted" helmets. Just go for fit, and let price be the least of your worries.

Just my 2 cents. :beerchug:
I have ARAI vector and love it. I dont use know ear plugs it fits so good it does not have any wind noise, But the HJC and the SHOEI i have has got all kinds of wind noise, but they do not fit good, I tried helmets on at the mc shop for an hour before found one that fit good and it was well worth it.
I like the scorpion exo 400,I've had an HJC and liked it.It all depend's what fit's the best.I can try on 300 helmet's and find 4 that I like the way they fit.
I'm going to try on some tomorrow so i'll let yall know what i come up with. My closest dealer is in lafayette,la. Does any1 know a place in the state of La to go for helmets r some leathers. I would poss go to the border of MS and TX.