Help choosing Paint Color

Candy Sonoma Red might be something I need to take a closer look at then. I really like the color of DEMMYM's bike, but I have never ask him the color. I don't won't be rude and try to copy someone else.

he isn't shy, just ask him :thumbsup: seriously though, his bike does look great, dont think he would mind having a twin :beerchug:

look forward to seeing the final product in april :cool:

My bike would be far from being his bike's twin. That thing is awesome! I look forward to meeting you in April also. Hopefully I'll have some pics posted before then. We have been snapping shots through the process.

Misty is Blushing

Yes she is Sonoma Candy Red and a Stock 07 Color,

You will not be disappointed, Not to Red and not to Purple.





It's a FINE color!! :thumbsup:

Here's some pics from mine to give you a good idea of direct sunlight color. The Suzuki site does NOT do it justice! The first pic is washed out due to sun reflection and the camera not adjusting correctly, but the 2nd is a great actual color. I wouldn't describe it as a burgundy, that was the 06 color - burg/black. This is more of a deep red candy.

Funny how that happens.

Alot of outside pics seem to turn the color more Red than Maroon, But it is a Deep Red.
Guys I appreciate all the input! I think it's going to be Candy Sonoma Red. Plus I think I got Demmy/Misty's blessing making it even better. Now to tell DK55BELAIR (Doug) I changed my mind again lol...
hello neighbor

paint it candy brandywine looks good to

hey wee need to all get together and ride sometime
I had a 97 ZX11 that was one of the prettiest colors I have ever seen on a bike.
Yes it was a bit purplish but it was beautiful.
Whenever Blanca is in need this will be the color she gets.

I agree totally! I was going after this specific bike about 10 yrs ago. Super sweet color.
Funny how that happens.

Alot of outside pics seem to turn the color more Red than Maroon, But it is a Deep Red.

Yep! The sun and candy in it combined with a camera's inability to compensate for the shift make for some odd pics at time but to the human eye it's a dk red with a deep candy.
Depends how crazy you want to get... Mine is Dupont Cosmic Dust silver base and Dupont Hot Hues Candy Raspberry. Candy will run you more than just base/clear. Its also hard to touch up in case of scratches, but the depth of paint is amazing...



The only picture I have that you can really see the depth of the paint.
Guys DK55 painted my bike, polished the frame, and lots of other work to get my bike to look like this. We worked alot of nights at his house, when he could have been enjoying time off from work. Him and his family have treated me like part of their family. I will be forever grateful.