Help Me Understand - Killing vs. Hunting

Rules and Regulations............. :rulez:

That is the biggest difference between hunting and killing.

There are neither in Killing, and I've met many hunters that I'd classify as Killers before I labeled them as a hunter.

For the record..........I'm a hunter
Cool. I have plenty for you to do, starting tomorrow. You can start by mowing the lawn...
Hey, that occupation is starting to look pretty good right now... how do you tax the "lawn mower man" ?? when the new tax rates come out in the next year or two, I am going underground for a cash occupation..
I guess I would go maybe what is so wrong with slavery then? by the end of the day you are tired of doing the work, have a place eat and sleep and when you keel over after 40 years of it, you are still dead...

Love troll threads... :) now, about that thing ... oh yea.. age of consent..

There you go with that trolling shid. Anyone on here can ask a question, but I do I'm trolling. Dude, move around with that foolishness.

I'd take death over being a fuggin slave any day. Slavery was some inhumane shid done to humans. Don't ever get that twisted.

I think I asked a legit question. But, you what they say about SOME people ...............

I'd take death over being a fuggin slave any day. Slavery was some inhumane shid done to humans. Don't ever get that twisted.

I think Vicks dogs may have said the same thing... all a matter of perspective..
Yeah for anyone whos ever owned a pit youll know that there one of the most freindly dogs ever. I personally have never met anyone who said the didnt like pits. UFC is alot different those guys choose to fight. The dogs have no choice cause u get POS people like vick who think the law doesnt apply to them. I would give anything to see him spend the rest of his life in prison screw his freedom he should have thought about that when he was hanging dogs from trees for not winning a fight. How many people get less than 2 years for killing another human?? than must only happen in texas.

This is a little harsh! Yeah what he did was wrong, but he also did his time and that should be all to it. You've had people kill other people and they didn't get life . I think Vic deserves a second chance. Hell! OJ got one eventhough he still screwed up in the end.
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From an Old legend

"In ancient times, when man and animals communicated as equals,
A crack in the earth erupted. Man was on one side and the animals were on the other. The crevice grew wider and wider separating them and just before it became too large to traverse, the dog alone jumped over the chasm so that he could stay with man."

Maybe this feeling about dogs explains why we don't hunt them, or force them to fight each other for our amusement.

:rulez: :rulez: :rulez:
i had a coworker that told me this same thing. which sparked a small debate. you are right, they dont screw over other for promotions and such but thats because "promotions" and other humanly things dont exist in the animal world. but lets look at it another way. what would happen if i went up to Megan Fox and started sniffing her butt? then commence to mounting her in public without asking? what about going into a mans house and taking his wife and house from him and either killing him or kicking him to the curb just because i was bigger? if you think about it, some of the vile crap humans do STILL dont compare to animals. ive watched mice eat their babies, male dogs kill puppies by other male dogs, and horses kill dogs just beacuse they were aggrevated by them. just food for thought.
:thumbsup: That's a good observation illustrating concretely the difference between ALL animals and a civilized human society which respects individual rights and the sovernity of being human, where animal brute force is outlawed and right and wrong is and should be objective. When people decide to use force against the innocent, and descend to the level of an animal, their rights are removed until such time as they can demonstrate otherwise.
I read over a little of it, and I'm sure most of the points were covered. I apologize if this is just repeating someone but another major difference is how the animals are raised. Most dogs that are raised to fight are raised in pure squalor. Absolutely deplorable conditions, treated like garbage to raise them as mean animals. This is the reason so many people have problems with "aggressive breeds." As always with the rest of life, the minority represents the majority and promotes negativity.
Micheal Vick broke the law and was punished for what he did. Severely I think, but that's the price that comes with celebrity. He should have known better. Once his debt to society is paid, he should be allowed to make a living for himself however he can. Why is it that people get all bent outta shape over what happens after punishment for some celebrities but not others? He isn't the first person to screw up, and he won't be the last. If he was a truck driver or brick mason would anybody be b!tching about him going back to work? I doubt it.......
He shouldn't have done what he did, and he will serve his punishment. End of story.

The conditions in which the dogs were raised, and the methods used to put them down were inexcusable. However, people whining about forcing them to fight have obviously never been around bully breeds. I have owned several "pits" over my life (AmStaff, American Bulldog, StaffyBull) and just lost one a month ago. Every single one of them has been dog-aggressive. In other words they WANT to exert dominance, and will fight to prove it. I have had to restrain all of them in order to prevent them from fighting, and in my opinion that's what responsible owners do. These breeds have been specifically bred to fight other dogs for years, it's what they are physically and mentally "designed" to do. It's what they want to do. They will keep going NO MATTER WHAT until they win or die.

As far as hunting goes, humans use weapons to destroy animals, and then congratulate themselves on how cool and manly they are. What thef%^k ever. Go hunt an animal that can kill you with your bare hands and see how far you get. All this talk about how skilled a hunter so and so is makes me laugh. Go get you a stick and try an attack a 60lb primate and see let me know how that works out for ya. Even the responsible hunters out there have wounded an animal and had to follow the blood trail til the thing dropped dead. Tell me that's not cruel.....And don't even get me started on the lameasses that spotlight a deer, kill it, take the tenderloin and leave the rest lay. Uber-losers. Hunting is a legitimate passtime, and when done correctly I have no problem with it, just please quit acting as if it's a fair and level playing field and the prey feels nothing.
As far as hunting goes, humans use weapons to destroy animals, and then congratulate themselves on how cool and manly they are. What thef%^k ever.
Misconception for the most part but I can't speak for everyone.

Go hunt an animal that can kill you with your bare hands and see how far you get. All this talk about how skilled a hunter so and so is makes me laugh. Go get you a stick and try an attack a 60lb primate and see let me know how that works out for ya.
Why? What seperates us from animals who have a superior sense of smell, a superior sense of hearing, a superior sense of sight, is stronger, faster, has more stamina than any human,is that we humans have a brain. We have developed tools that can give us some edge over the advantages of animals. You've obviously NEVER hunted and are obviously NOT a hunter so you cannot fathom what it takes to hunt and harvest an animal nor what it means.

Even the responsible hunters out there have wounded an animal and had to follow the blood trail til the thing dropped dead.
I'm not quite sure what this means or what point you are trying to make. Lions and other predators often eat their prey alive. Their breakfast/lunch/dinner looks them in the eye and is breathing and crying and screaming bloody murder while it is slowly devoured at the leisure of the predator. Do you think the lion gives a flying $%^& whether the wildebeast is feeling pain? Does the wildebeast confer with the animal kingdom united nations and ask for an inquiry into the senseless torture? I think not.
Misconception for the most part but I can't speak for everyone.

Why? What seperates us from animals who have a superior sense of smell, a superior sense of hearing, a superior sense of sight, is stronger, faster, has more stamina than any human,is that we humans have a brain. We have developed tools that can give us some edge over the advantages of animals. You've obviously NEVER hunted and are obviously NOT a hunter so you cannot fathom what it takes to hunt and harvest an animal nor what it means.

I'm not quite sure what this means or what point you are trying to make. Lions and other predators often eat their prey alive. Their breakfast/lunch/dinner looks them in the eye and is breathing and crying and screaming bloody murder while it is slowly devoured at the leisure of the predator. Do you think the lion gives a flying $%^& whether the wildebeast is feeling pain? Does the wildebeast confer with the animal kingdom united nations and ask for an inquiry into the senseless torture? I think not.

I live in southern illinois, it's not a misconception, it's a way of life.
Seems kinda funny how on the one hand you are claiming superior intellect that enable humans to develop tools to outwit the animals, yet in your next paragraph you compare hunters to lions and other predators. No I don't hunt, simply because other humans have figured out more convenient means of slaughtering animals, thank goodness, and all I have to do is go to the grocery store and I can get what I want to eat.
The point I was making is that people want to cry animal cruelty over a dogfight, but some of the same folks will stick an arrow or a slug in a deer and follow it til it bleeds out. Kettle, oh Kettle, this is the Pot calling......
So, all you hunters, are you OK with the seal hunt?


So, all you hunters, are you OK with the seal hunt?


As part of someone's culture.........Yes I am.

Let's not forget how people survived before we had groceries on every corner.

As for sport, not so much, as those who hunt for sport truely have no respect or need for the animal other than trophy.

It's about the suffering and slavery of it all.

Someone mentioned UFC. Really? In order for this to draw a parallel you would have to chain both people up for weeks at a time with little food and water. Leave them both in the elements over that time. Train them by beating them, shocking them, clipping ears, branding them, and any thing else you can think of to make them "hard", "savage", "primal" and angry or scared.

Then speak to them in languages they don't understand as you place them both into the octagon with the very loose understanding that it's kill or be killed. Let the fight begin with no clear ending in sight as you hoot and holler as bets are placed.

That would be the same. Force them to do something they don't want to do.

this sounds like a Chuck Norris movie :poke:
As part of someone's culture.........Yes I am.

Let's not forget how people survived before we had groceries on every corner.

As for sport, not so much, as those who hunt for sport truely have no respect or need for the animal other than trophy.
I agree completely about it being okay as part of a culture, most cultures have a deep respect for the animal(s) being hunted, and the hunt itself. In most cases 99.9% of the animal was used for a specific purpose, very little if any was wasted. This is rarely the case today. Seal hunting as it is now is hideous, mainly due to it being for profit rather than survival.