help - starting to get scared


After having my Busa for about a month now and coming up to 2000 miles I'm starting to get a bit scared of her.

You see as fast I can go she just keeps pushing me to go faster and I don't think it's ever going to end. I'm starting to get the little man in the back of my head saying to me 'fooking hell man your mad and gonner kill yourself'.

I do not think i have rided beyond my limits yet but am sure close.
Can anyone help - is this normal - do I need some kind of proffesional help :crazy:
I got goose bumps reading your post!

You now see how deep the rabbit hole really is.

Welcome to the real world! :super:
I try to explain to people that very concept and no one can really grasp it. I just tell em, "It's not that 110mph isn't fast...It's just that it's only second gear." Most retain that attitude, "Your insane". "Nope, insanity is realitive thing"

Remember when you had your mustang, camaro, firebird, ect (sorry but I'm not a "ricer", can't you tell) up over 120. Wow what a feeling: the floating feeling, steering wheel shaking (Read: ford :) ), exciting "road noises", ect. Where is that feeling now? Well, for me triple digits don't really cut mustard. Now start talking triple LIMIT speeds and my heart starts a going.

So to answer your question. Yes this is normal, it happens, you are now a BUSAHOLIC. (Congradulations) But seriously you can have fun going fast but it can also kill you (and we don't need any more of those). Wear gear and use your head. Try not to give in to your ego and macho BS thoughts (We all have them) when something is telling you no. Trust your insticts, if It don't feel right, DON'T DO IT.

PS. If you do get nailed for a MAJOR speed violation, say 180MPH (?KPH). What happens: Do they try and run you over, try and hit you with their sticks, blow a whistle, or what? Not trying to be funny, just curious.

I try to explain to people that very concept and no one can really grasp it.  I just tell em, "It's not that 110mph isn't fast...It's just that it's only second gear."  Most retain that attitude, "Your insane".  "Nope, insanity is realitive thing"  

Remember when you had your mustang, camaro, firebird, ect (sorry but I'm not a "ricer", can't you tell) up over 120.  Wow what a feeling:  the floating feeling, steering wheel shaking (Read: ford :) ), exciting "road noises", ect.  Where is that feeling now?  Well, for me triple digits don't really cut mustard.  Now start talking triple LIMIT speeds and my heart starts a going.  

So to answer your question.  Yes this is normal, it happens, you are now a BUSAHOLIC. (Congradulations)  But seriously you can have fun going fast but it can also kill you (and we don't need any more of those).  Wear gear and use your head.  Try not to give in to your ego and macho BS thoughts (We all have them) when something is telling you no.  Trust your insticts, if It don't feel right, DON'T DO IT.

PS.  If you do get nailed for a MAJOR speed violation, say 180MPH (?KPH).  What happens:  Do they try and run you over, try and hit you with their sticks, blow a whistle, or what?  Not trying to be funny, just curious.  

Chris, over here in the UK if you get cuaght at anything over 140mph then it is very likley that you will spend a month in Jail I ban from driving anything for possibly 2 years and a big fine ! What would you guys get ?

I regulary do 160-170mph on a sunday though - just hope I'm too quick to be caught :devil:
My original post is what really intersts me although I suppose it's intersteing to see what type of big stick 'the man' throws at speeders in each different country.
Tin as NC said no let that ego thing getcha.Deffinatly is great fun but that old farm dog or deer or what have you can come out of no where.Even a real turkey almost got me once.Dont get me wrong i believe in pushing ones self but in a progressive fasion.Touching down at lower street speeds is a very rewarding feeling,maybe track days where all the negative and potential trouble does'nt have to be thought about,no cops corner workers looking out for the pack lol even a running ambulance near by just for the crew.Going fast at the track is a positive thing , fast on the street when being watched can be a real pain in the ^##.Dont mind me just babbling.Have fun and be safe.
I try to explain to people that very concept and no one can really grasp it.  I just tell em, "It's not that 110mph isn't fast...It's just that it's only second gear."  Most retain that attitude, "Your insane".  "Nope, insanity is realitive thing"  

Remember when you had your mustang, camaro, firebird, ect (sorry but I'm not a "ricer", can't you tell) up over 120.  Wow what a feeling:  the floating feeling, steering wheel shaking (Read: ford :) ), exciting "road noises", ect.  Where is that feeling now?  Well, for me triple digits don't really cut mustard.  Now start talking triple LIMIT speeds and my heart starts a going.  

So to answer your question.  Yes this is normal, it happens, you are now a BUSAHOLIC. (Congradulations)  But seriously you can have fun going fast but it can also kill you (and we don't need any more of those).  Wear gear and use your head.  Try not to give in to your ego and macho BS thoughts (We all have them) when something is telling you no.  Trust your insticts, if It don't feel right, DON'T DO IT.

PS.  If you do get nailed for a MAJOR speed violation, say 180MPH (?KPH).  What happens:  Do they try and run you over, try and hit you with their sticks, blow a whistle, or what?  Not trying to be funny, just curious.  

Chris, over here in the UK if you get cuaght at anything over 140mph then it is very likley that you will spend a month in Jail I ban from driving anything for possibly 2 years and a big fine ! What would you guys get ?

I regulary do 160-170mph on a sunday though - just hope I'm too quick to be caught    :devil:
Sorry Tinman, pretty much your hosed. Your a busaholic... No way around it. Even being what I feel is a pretty conservative rider, I am constantly battling to stay under or within reasonable sight of the speed limit, it's not easy. BUT, if things get uncomfortable or something doesn't "Feel" right STOP. It's that simple. It's especially important to listen to that little voice, especially when it really starts carrying on.

As for what happens at over 150 or so if you get caught in the states? Well you go to jail but no mandatory time, you just need to post bail (probably) and your on your way until your court date. You'll want to get a good Lawyer (soliciter) and more than likely it's just going to cost you a grand or so, and you might get some probation. Second or third offense your probably done driving for a year or so... Not real familiar with the specifics though...
well TIN u talk about the little guy on ur shoulder talking to u and all but we all know as ur pushing it further and further u have that big sh*t eating grin on ur face under ur helmet (hopefully ur wearing one) which comes with being a "busaholic",, do they have a busaholics anonymous? i think we all need to attend! id just be afraid what would be discussed during a session...lolol
If you know your limit stay within it...If not your destined for big trouble... :wink:
Danny, see your future, be your future. May, make, make it, make it. Make your future Danny. I'm, I'm a veg', Danny.

You might never find your Busa's limits... but do you really have to? No. If your Mortality Alarm goes off, listen and head. You are a fine, normal, well-adjusted human being. Just because it can Doesn't mean you should, or have to.
Life's a journey, enjoy the ride. That sounds familiar...
I got goose bumps reading your post!

You now see how deep the rabbit hole really is.

Welcome to the real world! :super:
I agree with MickeyD on this one
I'm sure you see and hear this quote again in the the movie "BUSA RELOADED" featuring all the gang from

All that to say " The rabbit hole " is a lot deeper than you thought when you were admiring that hayabusa on the showroom floor!
Tinman, there used to be a great stretch of the A4 between Newbury and Reading that you could run pretty much as fast as you had the balls for.  The only time I got pulled over was in a car for sliding out of a round-a-bout even then they let me off 'cause they liked the mods I had done to the Scimitar.  Do be careful on the bike at warp speed though, even a bird can clean your clock  at 100+  :eek:
Hey Tinman,
My name is Al and I'm a Busaholic. I've had my Busa for about 8 weeks. First it was 100, then it was 110, 120. Now I'm up to 140.
You get up in the morning and yearn for an open piece of road, free of varmits, smokeys, and cages. The throttle in your hand seems to turn itself. If you look at my avatar, you can see where I'm headed without help.
By the way, that's the speedo on my '00, with 220 top. I had to see what it would look like. I faked a signal generator in the pickup just to view. Please help me.
Hey Tinman,
My name is Al and I'm a Busaholic.  I've had my Busa for about 8 weeks.  First it was 100, then it was 110, 120. Now I'm up to 140.
You get up in the morning and yearn for an open piece of road, free of varmits, smokeys, and cages.  The throttle in your hand seems to turn itself. If you look at my avatar, you can see where I'm headed without help.  
By the way, that's the speedo on my '00, with 220 top.  I had to see what it would look like.  I faked a signal generator in the pickup just to view. Please help me.
Yep i'll agree here's another candidate for rehab :laugh: :laugh:
I do not think i have rided beyond my limits yet but am sure close.
Er, well, if you have the spare CPU cycles to ask yourself this kind of question while at speed you probably ARE beyond the limits of your abilities and are simply lucky that your tires hold out, a chicken doesn't try and cross the road, etc.

I'd say hit a track day, but that won't cure the speed thing. Unless you're on a big oval or something like that you'll actually be going pretty slow and concentrating on turn entry and such. Still lots of fun, but a different experience.

Just do some math on exactly how much force is exerted on the rider in an accident at such speeds (i.e., how many fractions of a mile you will slide) and wear the best gear that you can when you tear it up and you may survive ;) .

On the bright side, it's something to tell the kids about, whether you stop riding or not (I got my 'Busa after having kids, go figure...).
have faith... and use some sense about ya man!

it's impossible not to play... but it's entirely possible to pick a halfway safe spot to play in... just be stubborn with the throttle hand starts itchin'.

good luck!