So there are some nuances here that are relevant to this "partnership" that you elude to. Canada has had tariffs in place against many American products. And they are in place to protect Canadian interest. Take milk for example. It's currently set up to allow for American dairy imports up to a certain quota. Once that quota is met, heavy tariffs take effect to prevent U.S Dairy products from putting Canadian dairy products out of business. If Canada allowed for a free open market, the U.S. dairy industry could flood the Canadian market and put a world of hurt onto Canadian dairy farmers ability to survive. So the tariffs are there to protect your economic interest.
None of which I disagree with. I also do not agree with Trump just unilaterally applying tariffs on you. But you are saying you want a partnership. To which I agree. How do you maintain a partnership by denying that we could produce enough milk, more cheaply, but you don't want that? So you see, a partnership has to be mutual in benefits. You don't really want cheap milk. Because it hurts your own dairy industry. So why not just deny our dairy products completely? I'd suggest it's because it would raise your cost of milk to you. And you'd have a population squawking they would prefer cheaper American milk. So what your tarriffs do is use our cheaper milk to help bring down your consumer prices by combining it with your milk produced and keep your dairy industry from failing. That's a partnership. It's also essentially subsidizing your dairy industry, with cheaper American milk.
Canada has great resources we can use for manufacturing. Oil being one. We do most, if not all of your refining. You get refined oil to use, in exchange for us getting your oil to refine for our use as well. That's a partnership that benefits us both. And we are less reliant on importing from OPEC. I know you'd like to open up your pipelines and refine your own oil. That is a very hefty price tag to do that, and years to figure out how to. If doing that raised your price for refined oil products, how does that benefit you as a Canadian? Make it yourself to make it more expensive to yourself? Just to prove you don't like tariffs? I'd rather increase our refining capacity, you provide more oil and we both get cheaper energy cost to benefit from. We both win.