Hey Cap, what about an Org Calendar

You know, we don't have to have Bikini Models to pose for this. I would be more inclined to have one with real Busa riders, Male and Female. I see some of these magazines with these little sweet tarts laying all over a bike in her underpants and I think "there is no way she rides that thing." Now, I could be wrong:whistle: 'cuz I have seen some pretty hot women here that ride...:thumbsup:
I dont care what kind of calender it is, as long as Omar is in it, I am buying it! :cheerleader:
as for the political stuff... We cant hang things like that around the office either. But when thy say I cant have that picture on your wall.....:laugh: "why its a family picture..thats my WIFE" There is nothing they can do.:rofl:
Problems I have had with either female or male themes is "the politically correct" groups.. no kidding... they come right out of the woodwork... it is to the point where even garages do not have the "cheesecake" calendars except hidden in back rooms (and those are not allowed in places with women employees...

amazing sensitivity to this stuff anymore.. Probably going to have to include other makes and brands just to keep the same fools at bay... :rofl:

I can't believe that pics of you or Cap in bikinis would offend anyone :laugh: :cheerleader: :whistle:
we had a member here several years ago that put together a great org calendar... The pics were good and quality made... I actually have a meeting with a company for a different topic this week and I will ask them for cost... You all need to start finding the pics that you want put in...

what about instead of posting individual pics we divide the states into twelve regions and make each month represent a collage type photo of the bikes from that area, could get more pics in there, just a though.
Personally I'd rather have a single big kick arse picture of a Haybusa stand out on my wall rather than a bunch of little ones.

Here's what IMHO we need if we do this. We almost need a seperate section (in the gallery maybe) where members can post pictures and vote. I am sure there needs to be rules for submissions, high resolution as possible with a minimum size. With a deadline for all submissions and an open and close date for voting.

I personally like omslaw's idea of using the picture of all bikes in a row for the months of the bash and things like that. Use a wicked looking busa for October, throw some tinsel on one for christmas etc. Have those months specifically locked in.
Or maybe just have the wicked looking one that won be October, etc....

Whatever slots are left 9 or 10 or so, each member can vote for their favorite 9...the ones with the most votes fill up the year with the grand winner also getting the cover.

Once this is set up, don't know if the new board makeup can accomodate all this, but once set up...we could do this annually :thumbsup:
I like your idea Just. I agree with the thought process of a single pic vs a bunch of little ones.

Oh, I would definately buy a couple. You got have home and work covered!