well there goes the fuggin neighbourhood. or, in politically correct terms.... "da hood".
How you bin? I know, yer busy, busier than a one-legged man in a butt kickin' contest.
North of Seatle.... hmmmmm.... if I dont stop for too many "liquid lunches" I could be there in a coupa hours.
I've always liked Rev Then again, I'm a terrible liar.
hav a well seattled 1... RSD.
How you bin? I know, yer busy, busier than a one-legged man in a butt kickin' contest.
North of Seatle.... hmmmmm.... if I dont stop for too many "liquid lunches" I could be there in a coupa hours.
I've always liked Rev Then again, I'm a terrible liar.
hav a well seattled 1... RSD.