Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette forum

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Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

JEt li just has ro look at the reactors and say.....u better cool it reactors.
Posted via Mobile Device
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

So, should we start some shenanigans on the zo6 site, or just keep blowing them away with votes

No need to start any trouble. Should respect their forum same as we expect them to respect ours. I think it funny that they closed the thread though.
If a Vette owner from there came here poking fun I don't think it would get closed. Five or six Vette guys come here and stir it up we'd have a good time with it.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

As President Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Jet Li."
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

I got banned from the zo6 site!!!!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

So since i got banned from trolling, i request a autographed poster from JET LI! KING OF AWESOMENESS!!!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Did anybody see this on top of their site?


They ask for it, advertise it, but then when faced with it run like girls :laugh:

Jet Li says...
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

You have been banned for the following reason:

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Jet Li has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

They once made a Jet Li toilet paper, but it wouldn't take **** from anybody
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

After much debate, President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima rather than the alternative of sending Jet Li. It was more "humane".
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Bears don't crap in the woods when Jet Li is nearby!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Jet-Li once gave the rabbit a bowl of Trix, the kids just sat there while he ate them.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Jet-Li once gave the rabbit a bowl of Trix, the kids just sat there while he ate them.

I would never eat Trix, they are bad for ya!!!!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

I'm still in and it's because I'm still wearing my Hayabusa.org Unbannable Badge :rofl:

Ha ha!! I am not banned either, and I dont even have a stinkin badge
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