Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette forum

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Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Y,all have a good night, to be continued :beerchug:
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Y,all have a good night, to be continued :beerchug:

I'm soooo tired and have been trying to go to sleep for hours.....but Jet Li scares me. I saw him looking through my window.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

If you see Jet Li, he can see you. If you can't see Jet li, you may be only seconds from death.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Know how to make a z06 faster??... Strap it on Jet- Li's back:laugh::moon:
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

One last vote before I go to bed. I must have voted over 100 times today! :cheerleader:
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Same here must have sleep........
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

dont forget to vote. The vette is up to almost 1000 now so there not giving up!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

2801!! lol :beerchug:
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Wow , i do have to say, that some people have been extremely bored in the last 24 hours!

Im sitting here reading and falling off my chair!

Oh and 2805 now!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Well I tried to do it through the night while you guys slept but it let me vote once and then the page wouldnt reload fully. So it voted once.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

i got 5 in toniight but ran into that same problem.
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

Great, good job guys - now ya'll done broke the recordin' system :rulez:
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

well good morning everyone!!!:cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader: id like to kik this back off with some more votes for JEt Li before i go work!!!

----Jet Li doesnt do push ups-----he pushes the world down!!!!
Re: Hey Y'all have got to read this: They are talking about Jet Li's Lotus on Vette f

voted again! :thumbsup:
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