Hi i'm new  too


Pac, you've got issues...
So I've been told.

I just tell everyone that they're just jealous that the voices only talk to ME.

who do you think did my hair and make-up and helped "pose me".

She like the board and its folks. Bin tryin' to get her to sign on for years. net just isnt her thing. She loves the pups too much to give up any of her free time with them to post here.

but she's always amased when stuff lands on the doorstep, or when we do cool stuff for each other.

them pics,save away.... use 'em for ammo later. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Thankfully, all I ever said here was "

This is just soooooo wrong Andy
Funny, but wrong

Woe, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay toooooo much time on your hands or maybe 2 many pain killers, or both.
I want to congratulate all the guys and girls that posted a normal welcome on this thread.

I also want to point and laugh at all the leg humpers.

This was a puplic service teaching aid brought to you,by me,Da Rubbah and a few accomplices.

Thanks to: Doug(for allowing it to go on as long as it did.)
           to BaBusa for going out riding with that ugly thing.
          to CharlesBusa...good back-up man
           to Scootergirl,fake PM's,back-up etc. thx.
          to Vabusa...she was going to engage in a giant cat fight with "the new girl", but then members started to hassle Va so thats when I decided to pull the plug.

 Thanks everyone,   see ya on the road sometime....

                  *hugs*   hot busa babe
My eyes!!!! I'm scarred for life...
Hey, I called perfidious/B.S. on Page 2! No chicks that are hot AND stupid ride a 'Busa...It just doesn't work that way...
This thing was fishy from the get go
Was funny watching how this thread developed...
I have seen the horror of Andy in drag... I think my eyes are bleeding
who do you think did my hair and make-up and helped "pose me".

 She like the board and its folks. Bin tryin' to get her to sign on for years. net just isnt her thing.She loves the pups too much to give up any of her free time with them to post here.

 but she's always amased when stuff lands on the doorstep, or when we do cool stuff for each other.

them pics,save away.... use 'em for ammo later. Wouldn't have it any other way.  
Well you go girl.. nothing wrong with that either~ Heck, if I had puppies to play with all day, I'd never get on the net either!

I guess we all blew it and blew chunks now HBB is gone forever----- I can't believe we acted like this to a new member--- but it was funny though--and quite Sick
you guys are crazy. Why all this fuss and muss? jus caus I'm a girl.

well, its time I posted up the REAL pics of me.

I'll be right back.
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>The REAL</span>... <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>HOT BUSA BABE</span>
JFC! I'm dying here! You better not let your doc. see those pics or you will never be cleared to do anything ever again!!
WoW, a 10 page welcome
I was out of town, missed history in the making

Welcome aboard HBB!!! Hope the guys didn't scare you off