hi i'm michelle's son

Hey David. So, how often does Mom put you in the corner? Your Mom has put just about every member here in time out in it. Some more than others...
We had a pretty nice corner here, it had a kitchen with plank steaks, maid, server, HUGE TV, lounge chairs, games, and a bunch of cool stuff. But it's always better to play by the :rulez:
Welcome aboard! :welcome:

Yeah, but that blonde maid is slacking. The 'frige is low on Fresca's and I'm still waiting on my massage. :whistle:
Welcome to the board David. :welcome:
Great bike I had the same thing as my first bike but it was a little older then your's

:welcome: to the oRg. David, glad to have you here, just ignore your mom like the rest of us do.........

I know, I know :corner:
What's up trooper? I hope you are feeling better. I am the guy who had you up on my shoulders at the Dave Matthews concert.

Oh also I searched Boobees too but this is what I got...

:welcome: future Busa owner. I can't wait to see what they look like when you get your first.:thumbsup:

Have fun and stay safe young man, you have a wonderful family!
she does not put me in the corner i wish i had a huge tv with lounge chairs games and a bunch of cool stuff that is really cool and probably vabusa would enjoy that so would i and my dad and so would my brother sam everybody that i know would enjoy that i know if it had a fire place now that would be nice probaly you would like that probaly be the best thing you ever had even omslaw would like i herd your name is charly i like that name it is nice i herd your job is you are a police officer that is what i want to be wen i grow up or i might be in the miltary that is cool to i think i want to be a police officer more wate let me think about it they are both cool i will need to think about it all day i might need to ask my mom vabusa my mom says she doesn't no witch one to pick either one:cheerleader:
:welcome: to the board...i'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better, now you can return to playing pranks on your Mom :thumbsup:
We will learn quoting other's text tomorrow :) Punctuation is a 3rd grade thing I think :whistle:

That was all in response to PDBusa's post :thumbsup: