hi i'm michelle's son

Welcome to this crazy thing we call a family.
I see mom is watching you. Becareful because she will over moderate you just like she does the rest of us.:laugh:

:rofl: I'm sure he could tell us a thing or two about that... ;)
:welcome: to the (rest of the) Family!!!

Good to have you aboard, David.
Welcome David. Be careful on the internet. Once you put something out there, it's out there FOREVER and EVERYONE can see it (that means always assume nothing is private regardless of the settings you use). Also, ATGATT! (that means all the gear all the time). You're never to young to learn. I hope you're well soon. Be good.
Now tell mom to stop snooping and show you how to post pictures. We want to see your dirtbike and any other dirt you have on Mom.:whistle:

Then tell her you need to go to WalMart. When you get there grab 2 bags of snickers and 4 cans of Pink spray paint. Sit in the garage eat snickers and give mom a nice Christmas present of a pink Busa. She will love you even more than she does now.:laugh:

DO NOT really paint mom's bike.
David started riding dirt bikes when he was 3; he's not thrilled that I'm posting one with training wheels, but it's all I can find now. He wants you guys to know he can now do wheelies on a dirt bike :oldcool:

And David wants to go take Lucas for a walk, so we'll be heading out soon...

New shot of "the kids" :)

Hey D! Tell Mom to make ya some ooooey-gooooey chocolate chip cookies :whistle:
Hey David. So, how often does Mom put you in the corner? Your Mom has put just about every member here in time out in it. Some more than others...
We had a pretty nice corner here, it had a kitchen with plank steaks, maid, server, HUGE TV, lounge chairs, games, and a bunch of cool stuff. But it's always better to play by the :rulez:
Welcome aboard! :welcome: