Hi there, Im new

Actually I have the exact same year and color, and my hump is that same color, darker. Bought from a dealer brand new.
the darker colored hump is nice, very nice. congrats on your bike.
be sure to check the site carefully as there things that you need to do, like a little grinding on your side stand, that will improve your ride.
hmmm....yes I will have to search all over this forum for the neat tricks and such. and yes scottybusa that was me who won *hybridcrxcrx* whoohoo my bike is famous! Didn't want to let out my secrete but yeah, the price i got it for was $7,690.

Ebay's search engine was 'glitching' by re-reloading half the page so I think thats a big reason for the price being so low because no one could get to the search page. Ironically my g/f started a 'general' search for suzuki gsx after reading a post on the ebay forum that some guy mentioned in the past that he got a coin collection for a 5th of the price due to the glitching. So it was all in luck.

The bike now has the sold tag with my name on the showroom floor so it can't be touched. Guys, this has been my dream ever since I stepped into the world of motorcycling March 3rd of this year. Thank you guys for welcoming me.

And thank those who love my color hump!
Welcome to the board. It would certainly be different driving around with that color hump on the bike!
Welcome to the board  enjoy the power & speed  

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Sorry guys I guess I was to fast so 2 posts at once

Welcome to the board  enjoy the power & speed  

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hmmm....yes I will have to search all over this forum for the neat tricks and such. and yes scottybusa that was me who won *hybridcrxcrx* whoohoo my bike is famous! Didn't want to let out my secrete but yeah, the price i got it for was $7,690.

Ebay's search engine was 'glitching' by re-reloading half the page so I think thats a big reason for the price being so low because no one could get to the search page. Ironically my g/f started a 'general' search for suzuki gsx after reading a post on the ebay forum that some guy mentioned in the past that he got a coin collection for a 5th of the price due to the glitching. So it was all in luck.

The bike now has the sold tag with my name on the showroom floor so it can't be touched. Guys, this has been my dream ever since I stepped into the world of motorcycling March 3rd of this year. Thank you guys for welcoming me.

And thank those who love my color hump!
Congrats...............that's a great price. I guess I noticed this one on ebay because it was from a dealer. Can't seem to trust a lot of the other listings there.

Only been riding since March 3rd?

Treat this lady with respect!!!

If you do she'll treat you very nice.......

If you don't,...............

Well, she might not give you another chance...........know what I mean?

Good luck!!!!!

Welcome aboard.

Just be careful and take the time to get used to her.
Here is the first mod that I am doing, the TRE it looks like this


I am also wanting to get the PAIR mod kit off ebay, want to do the small airbox mod (which some how is confusing to me) then follow by a PCusb also Would Ignition timing with the PCIIIr be worth it? what could it do?
Have you brought the thing home yet? That's a long couple of weeks to own it and not ride it!
Welcome - Nice CLEAN bike. Put a little elbow grease to her ever once and a while and she'll look good for years to come
yes i know lol I wont get it until next week or so, yeah i am like practically dying owning it and not riding it :-( The shipping company covers 20,000$ on the bike so its taken care of. I am gonna do things right and make her look good when i get it though :-)
Hmm... I was just reading about gearing on this site. Will the bike be crazy fast from stock if i did
19/39 92 124 157 187 211 230 instead of the stock 16/41 73 99 126 150 169 184 ??
I'm not sure what all the trailing numbers are for, but the stock gearing is 17/40.