Hi there, Im new

that was from the gearing list of the hayabusa

Gearing 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

16/39 77 104 132 157 178 194
16/40 75 101 129 153 173 189
16/41 73 99 126 150 169 184
16/42 72 97 123 146 165 180
16/43 70 95 120 143 161 176

17/39 82 111 141 167 189 206
17/40 80 108 137 163 184 201
17/41 78 105 134 159 180 196
17/42 76 103 131 155 176 191
17/43 74 100 128 152 171 187

18/39 87 117 149 177 200 218
18/40 85 114 145 173 195 212
18/41 83 112 142 168 190 207
18/42 81 109 138 164 186 202
18/43 79 106 135 161 182 198

19/39 92 124 157 187 211 230
19/40 89 121 153 182 206 224
19/41 87 118 150 178 201 219
19/42 85 115 146 173 196 214
19/43 83 112 143 170 192 209

what If I don't want all that topend, would my low end be noticable fast as heck, or just tight gears just make me top out quicker?
Welcome to the Busa Madness. She's a virgin untouched by any tools or saws. First bike, be very careful with the twist a grip. Nice ride and price.
I dunno about the rest of you but I am holding my breath till this bike actually materializes in Texas, is as represented, and doesn't end up MIA....

I'd be sweating my balls off... having paid and not having that thing in my possession...
Thanks guys I know what you mean, BUT the bike is insured for 20,000$ so Thats probably why Im not too worried. It MOST LIKELY will be here tomrrow though can't wait to get into some high speed chases! woohoo!!

lol j/k :-P