Glad To hear your straight Lo, Sounds plenty spooky.

I remember the thread your talking bout from a long while back. Pretty much the consensus was just relax (Yeah Right) slowly roll off the throttle and let it come to a halt. But I think this was mostly for a front blow out. If the rear blows it seems to me like it would be OK, Heck maybe even a bonus to pull in the clutch, and grab a nice fistful of front brake. Getting the rear unloaded might really smooth things out...

Either way, your intact, Dex is undamaged, and you're prolly back on the road allready. Thats good to hear.
Glad your safe.

Glad to hear that you kept your cool. Happy your safe and that the couple did stop and help you out. Great to have friends you can count on in time of need.
Lo, yes, that God you made it thru with his gift of your life and your skill and grace in control!!  Please share what you know of your situation:  tire mialge, rim condition, situation - had you hit a pot hole or som glass?  did you find a slash.  Ejukamate us!  SO GLAD you are okay!   And thanks for sharing the realities of cycling with us.
Thanks guys for well wishes and inspiring words! Rubbersidedown has a true meaning to me!!

My rear tire was in good condition as far as tread but...... I had gotten a screw in it 2 weeks ago and it didn't pierce completely through so I had it plugged. I had done this on 2 tires before and never had a problem. Even took one of them to the track and rode the hella out of it.... Well, I guess this time was a little different. I am thinking the high speed and heat of the tire made the plug just blow! There was a huge hole in the tire. I guess I'm lucky the tire didn't shred.. yikes!

I don't think I will ever plug a tire again unless it is a temporary fix until I can replace the tire. Especially the way I ride... Or should I say especially owning a bike that it is so hard not to go over 100 mph on everytime you get on it!!

No problems with the rim, just an ugly gaping hole hissing at me!!
Glad to hear you are safe and that people were there to help you (eventually ).  I'm sure you found the experience as enjoyable as bobbing for frenchfries.
Glad you are OK. Yes please never plug a tire again. Especiallyt if you are going to ride high speeds. Glad your guardian Angel was riding with you.
Never leave home without it... That's how I called my Mech to come get me!! It took 2 hours because it was Friday rush hour traffic..

Well.... I am off to go get my new tire and put it on and ride today!! Life is good!! Love to ride, live to ride another day!

Glad that you are alright. I would have hated to hear about something happening to you or your awesome looking bus.
Glad your ok sis.

But now everytime I hit triple digits I'll be replaying this nightmare....... aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhrrrrrg!





Thank God Lo you came through that thing.  It's truely amazing how God works through people to protect us.  It was not coincidence that you remembered that thread, as things began to unravel.  Glory be to God and truth be told you still have a work to do on this planet.  I'll keep you all in my prayers.

God bless,

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Thank goodness that GOD and your Guardian Angel were watching over you! ... and thanks for sharing your experience with us ... it is a vivid reminder of our vulnerabilities.

Peace and Love,


Hey Lo,

Thank God you're ok. You were definitely being watched, must have been pretty good and behaving lately

Stay safe.
You are a class act Lo, good on you for being cool throughout the whole ordeal and remembering the wise words of a friend to help you through the situation !!! We are all lucky that you are here unscathed to share your story, hopefully some of us will remember this thread if we are in the same situation - I know I will !!
Lori: I'm so glad this story had a happy ending, well, as happy as could be expected. I am glad you are alright too! Be safe out there!
