His and hers "toys"

I was talking about cocking it or racking the slide.

You can injured or one armed accomplish it in a few ways but you are mostly right in this case as it will not be possible on the draw in that last millisecond when your opportunity presents itself.

Did you know 50% of marriages end in divorce these days?:laugh:

Both guns are in his name and since you libs want to do away with private transfers I guess he will just have to keep them both. :) :moon:
You can injured or one armed accomplish it in a few ways but you are mostly right in this case as it will not be possible on the draw in that last millisecond when your opportunity presents itself.

Both guns are in his name and since you libs want to do away with private transfers I guess he will just have to keep them both. :) :moon:

Darn skippy there both in my name.!!!
Melissa is already asking why I haven't bought any rounds for us to go I the range. I'm lucky enough to have a range 2 miles away. On the weekends when the place is busy and traffic is light I can hear all the pops of people having fun. I've never been there but we're planning on going next weekend.
I hope you can find ammo, getting scarce around here, heck Grices Gun Shop was out of 22 ammo, you could normally fill a truck wth it.
I really dont understand why no one has ammo. We get in all ammo on a regular, daily basis and I have not seen a shortage yet. ???
The only exception is for the .223 ammo. have not seen that for a couple of weeks.
I really dont understand why no one has ammo. We get in all ammo on a regular, daily basis and I have not seen a shortage yet. ???
The only exception is for the .223 ammo. have not seen that for a couple of weeks.

Around here shops stock there shelves on the Mekong and there bare by the evening. ALL of the .223 is gone. The ammo I am finding is over priced too.
My buddy has me Googling how to cast & swage bullets, not just for muzzleloaders anymore??? And all that stuff is gone??? Midway the phone is busy all day. Cabelas does not even list .223 bullets right now. ???
I thought of that. I've been divorced once before so that was my 50%. :)

Haha, shortly before my first divorce is when I liquidated all of my previous arms. I thought "If that Biotch is gonna shoot me, she is going to have to get her own gun. She isn't shooting me with mine!"

My current wife has been shooting skeet with me lately and is taking a handgun class next Tuesday. She is pretty stoked about it.

So other than the concealment issue, how do you like the XD(S)? I have been looking at them but haven't had one in my hand yet. I will probably shoot one while we are at the range Tuesday.
If you want a good conceal carry, there are plenty of great options other than revolvers...not really sure why you chose to go that route. Imo, revolvers are 100% inferior to a good quality semi-auto. The Taurus P111 Millenium and the Ruger LCP quickly come to mind, as does the S&W M&P Shield, and the Springfield XDM Compact. I guess to each his own. *Shrugs*
And for what it's worth the little lcr is a nice piece of kit. I love mine.


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Why's that?

158 grain bullets. Less velocity and muzzle energy, but in a close range personal protection style "fight" I want something heavy..

My LCR is strictly pocket carry anyway, the .357 next to it doesn't need to be explained, does it? :laugh: