His and hers "toys"

nice guns :beerchug:

dunno why everyone is so bothered about ammo...just make a run to mexico, they have plenty along with the guns Mr Holder sent them :whistle:
Leave the action cocking for the movie stars. Every hundreth of a second counts in a self protection situation, even if you need to use your weapon to protect another inccocent persons life, ever try to advance a round into the chamber quietly?

Revolvers are nice for the range IMO,but they are heavy weighing in at 15.3 OZ giving you a 6 shot max.

Your personal carry gun could turn into a weapon used on yourself if your not paying attention to your surroundings.
Leave the action cocking for the movie stars. Every hundreth of a second counts in a self protection situation, even if you need to use your weapon to protect another inccocent persons life, ever try to advance a round into the chamber quietly?

Revolvers are nice for the range IMO,but they are heavy weighing in at 15.3 OZ giving you a 6 shot max.

Your personal carry gun could turn into a weapon used on yourself if your not paying attention to your surroundings.

My LCR weighs 13.5 oz... By NO means heavy.
If you want a good conceal carry, there are plenty of great options other than revolvers...not really sure why you chose to go that route. Imo, revolvers are 100% inferior to a good quality semi-auto. The Taurus P111 Millenium and the Ruger LCP quickly come to mind, as does the S&W M&P Shield, and the Springfield XDM Compact. I guess to each his own. *Shrugs*

If you go back a re read all my pervious posts you will see why I went with the revolver. I want a simple, light weight, dummy proof pistol to carry. Revolvers are not inferior guns to someone who know how to use it. The odds of me needing more than 3 rounds to protect myself or family are slim.
in georga about a month ago..

Georgia Mom Shoots Home Invader 5 Times | Video - ABC News

shot 5 times (includeing face and neck) still gets up runs away and drives 2 miles down road till crashes into tree....you sure .38 has the stopping power you want?

Not quite sure what round she was using but I would say she didnd get any good shots off...more like glancing blows or shots to his lower jaw.

I will take my 150ish grain jacket hollow point .38+P rounds any day of the week and twice on Sundays. If she would have used these they dude wouldnt have a face left let along been able to make it to his car.