Hit from behind....

The best defensive strategy I know when stopping at a light or stop sign is to keep the bike in gear, pull in the clutch, keep looking in to the mirrors until the vehicle stops safely behind you. I also have the bike pointed in a direction that gives the best escape route in case the approaching vehicle doesn't stop.
if they total the bike tell them you want to buy it back and they should sell it to you really cheap and fix it with the rest of the money it will be a salvage title though. +1 on getting yourself checked out because When I wreck I hit my knee at about 25-30 mph on a big curb and didn't realize it until a couple hours later when I couldn't walk and it felt like it was burning then I looked at it and it was swallon like crazy. Good luck and just be grateful you are for the most part ok the bike can be fix you might not have been so lucky hope you feel better
thanks again for all the input guys, got the doc appt. at 10 this am. Did not have a great night, just mainly sore. Elbows and wrists hurt now along with back and knees. we will see soon enough. Thanks again to a great bunch of guys. Mike..........
Glad you're ok :agree: See the doc for sure.Get healed up properly.The idiot is flipping the bill on all doc visits.You can still settle the bike before you settle injuries.You have 2 years on personal injuries.
Glad you are OK. These type of accidents don't usually have a good outcome.
If the insurance co. will let you, buy the bike back w/ clear title & fix it yourself.
i hate people on cell phones. At least they can use a Blue tooth. Take her insurance for what ever you can. make sure that the phone info is in the report. I am glad you did not get hurt worse. You had an Angel riding with you.
Ok I already left my sympathetic post.

( HIT FROM BEHIND ) What did you expect to happen when you go to those Kawasaki parties and then go and drop the soap. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I know I know :corner:
Glad it wasn't worse. Get the bike checked out, and make sure you don't settle real quick for the personal injury. It might take a month before you know the full extent of injuries. Took 3 weeks for the doc's to figure out my problems after my car accident. If they total the bike, try to buy it back, then you can start your 500hp super turbo project busa :thumbsup:.

Hope you have a quick recovery and are able to get riding again soon and the ins co doesn't jerk you around. Keep us posted. If you have picts of yout bike, Im sure some of the experts here can give you some insite as to if it will be totaled or not.
get checked out and then you need to call your insurance company and see if you are entitled to a rental vehicle...this is a precaution in case hers tries to pull a fast one.

Make sure ANYTHING that hurts is noted and documented at the doctor visit.

If you have the ability to sue for pain and suffering in your state...the insurance company will treat you right when injuries are encountered. This will get your bike paid for.

I would get an offer and then a lawyer. If you don't help make an example this woman learns by or help get her off the road..the next rider she hits...she might kill.
I'm glad your ok and still able to post and tell us this story. As for your bike, i would turn it over to a reputable shop and have them go over it with a fine tooth comb. I would be concerned about the swing arm pivot point where it attaches to the frame and the rear suspension the most. The pipe being bent as far as it is could have messed up the header and the attachment point to the head of the engine as well. Give the bike to a good shop and make sure the insurance company doesnt try to screw you over on getting the bike looked at by some guy who may or may not know what he is even dealing with. Hope it all works out for you!

How did the doctor appointment go?
Guys the doc visit went well, nothing broken but a nice case of whiplash. My back feels like little hot spikes radiating from my spine all the way up. He did give me some good drugs though. The bike is going to my guy in the a.m. My son and I were looking at it this afternoon and the tail section looks like it is tweaked to the left and I'm worried abloy the wheel. It took the brunt of the impact. The ins. people have been great so far, gave me a rental today, called 3 times to see if I needed anything, money for the docs etc... so far I have no complaints, we will see when it comes down to fixing or buying me another scooter. We will see, yes we will. Thanks for all the great advice. I will post some pics asap, I'm just not feeling real froggy right now. One last thing, I do always look around and make myself aware of everyone around me, I was to the left of the center to give me some wiggle room. She came outta nowhere. The doc said I was lucky, gave me the pills, then said I could go, nothing he could do about bruises or stupid, so there you have it..Thanks again to all, Mike......
glad doctor visit went well. glad to see other party taking care of you with rent a car. hope to settle with insurance soon and get back riding.:thumbsup:

see if insurance company gives you alittle extra cash so you can buy you a new one!!!!!!!!!!