Hit from behind....

Oh but I will, I had a dream last night about working on the bike and when it was put back togeather it was an 08...aw what a wonderfull dream. I'm either getting to old or been riding bikes to long. I used to dream about women, now its 08 Busa's with the fairings off...:cheerleader:
Oh but I will, I had a dream last night about working on the bike and when it was put back togeather it was an 08...aw what a wonderfull dream. I'm either getting to old or been riding bikes to long. I used to dream about women, now its 08 Busa's with the fairings off...:cheerleader:

Somehow I just saw this. Man I'm glad you're OK, and I hope things work out with the Busa....
Yeah thanks guys, Im going to the doc 1st thing in the a.m. As I have been sitting here tonight there is a lot more stuff starting to hurt. I will heal, my scooter wont. I am worried that the ins. people Nation wide, will total it then blue book low ball me. The bike is (was) in pristene condition with 4020 mi when I bought and now has almost 9 k. State Farm ponied up to the tune of 9000.00 on my 99 last year when some low life...There I go again, as my wife says it always comes back to that 99 doesnt it??Hmmm, well anyway. I paid 7500 for the bike 3.5 mos ago but the blue book is Im not even sure yet. Anyway, I do have a police report, she was charged, of course it would have been hard not to. She did not have a 500 lb Hayabusa hood ornament when she left the house this afternoon. One of the officers and I had to hold onto the bike while she backed off. It was stuck standing upright in her hood/bumper. I yi yi, what to do what to do. Thanks guys I am going to eat some more meds, talk to yall later. Mike...

Nationwide? They're bastards--talk to an attorney. I was sitting [in a car] stopped signaling to turn left into a driveway (totally stopped!) and a guy behind me wasn't paying attention to the road (texting?) and he couldn't stop in time (it was raining) and he rearended me pretty hard-- anyway, the reason I'm writing is to tell you one of Nationwide's favorite tactics is to tell you that YOU were partially at fault (!) [because you were there!!!! ?????????] so you are only entitled to partial payment!

I couldn't believe this tactic, thought it was totally out of line so I turned it all over to an attorney :laugh:

Hope it all works out for you and you're OK from the accident (bikes can be replaced!).
So far they have been real good and caring, thanks for the heads up on the crap they may try to pull though. I told them up front, I just want to be treated fairly, I was not looking to sue for anything, But...my wife did work for an attourney for 14 years and all my legal stuff is FREE. So lets do this in a nice way. So far so good. They even called me last night to see if I needed any cash for meds or the doc visits. They have got to know (I hope) that I have them over a barrel if need be. I was at the stop light. She hit me at a nice velocity and I was the one who looked like a pin ball bouncing through the sreet. Thanks for all the info and support guys. My back and knee are still buggered though and hasnt gotten any better yet. They know that also (theyve called me 3 times today already). I'm just gonna think happy thoughts until I need to do the Mr. Hyde thing on them. Bike is being disected this weekend, hopefully I will know about my poor sick baby mid next week. And I did hobble into the local Zook store today to look, and low and behold there was the charcol gray one sitting on the floor. I swear when it saw me I heard it say Papa take me home please, I love you, in a small childlike voice. I just know I did. I'll keep yall posted...Thanks for all, Mike...:bowdown:
And I did hobble into the local Zook store today to look, and low and behold there was the charcol gray one sitting on the floor. I swear when it saw me I heard it say Papa take me home please, I love you, in a small childlike voice. I just know I did.

Guys just an update, My mechanic buddy came and got my sick baby this a.m. at first glance it appears that the sub frame is toasted and possibly the swingarm. Rear tire is shot and all the wheel internals. A closer inspection is coming soon. I on the other hane aint doing much better, back is still outta whack and I loose feeling in my fingers. Going back to the bone doc.on the 27th. I will let you know. Mike
Sounds like you've got a long road ahead of you.??? Good luck with everything and hopefully you can get a nice new GenII out of this.:cheerleader:
I sure would like that, I have already looked at 2 at diff dealers. I have fallen for the Charcol Gray one with the 1st Gen full Muzzy 4 to1 sys. I like it alot. Hopefully I will get the 08 and then get back my 03, hmmmm a 1383 kit maybe hmmmm. I do think that that may soothe my poor numb fingers and aching back, well it sure couldnt hurt, no pun intended. :whistle:
I sure would like that, I have already looked at 2 at diff dealers. I have fallen for the Charcol Gray one with the 1st Gen full Muzzy 4 to1 sys. I like it alot. Hopefully I will get the 08 and then get back my 03, hmmmm a 1383 kit maybe hmmmm. I do think that that may soothe my poor numb fingers and aching back, well it sure couldnt hurt, no pun intended. :whistle:
Keep working on getting better, hopefully the new bike falls in place quickly and easily.

And don't accept thier kindness as genuine care. Sadly, in my experience, in this situation they are looking to help build thier case a little by saying they have helped/offered to help you. I am hoping that it's not the case, but you probably already know how that works.
Yeah thanks, I know what their real concerns are. They just called to day to see how I am doing and if I need anything. So far the rental car is all I need, I have medical ins. I also told her I am going to an orthopedic guy on monday (soonest I could get in, and did tell her all of my aches). My bike aint doing much better, got the call today, tire, swingarm,subframe, plastic etc. on rear are hosed. We will see what happens there. Thanks for all the input guys. this is the first time I have had to deal with something like this. When the 99 was stolen State Farm was great, these guys have been too so far, i'm just waiting on the shoe to drop. Hopefully we can do this without it getting nasty. I have been honest with them and do not want to have to do the whole lawsuit thing. Its up to them I suppose. Thanks for all the support guys, Mike...
Get checked out. Then rent a tractor trailer with a stolen credit card and run it through her house. Sorry.. that would be wrong but cagers on cell phones and texting while driving, ruining and ending lives with out any real penalties get's me like that. Hope your ok and at least sue that crap out her at least
I sure hope this has a good outcome for you medically, and the insueance company does the right thing...
Hey gang,

I banged mine up this past Saturday. I put a thread in the crash/accident section of the forum. Mine was not as serious as yours but who wants to get hit by a car on a motorcycle. Well my baby is ready once I get a new fender, radiator, windshield, clutch lever, and paint. I don't know which is worse, the pain that you feel in your body, or the pain of looking at your bike all torn apart. But thank God you made it out. I thank Him everyday that I did.

Check out the thread. I posted pictures of the bike like two hours later in my garage.