Hiya all


My name is Brian, I live in Tempe, (Phoenix) Arizona. I have a 2004 Busa. I'm Philippino but I have lived in the USA all my life. I love riding. My first bike that was street worthy was a Suzuki Volusia 2003. I have been riding for a few years, always rid dirt bikes and bicycles when I was young. I'm 28. Just got my Busa 1 month ago. I'm a Daily Driver. I have been in 2 accidents both weren't my fault and I still plan on riding for the rest of my life. I have taken basic and expert rider courses. Fun fact about Arizona (well maybe not fun), a helmet is not required by law and you may ride with out one.

welcome to the .org you can find some great info on here. i live in a state that requires helmets but the state next to me doesnt. let me tell you there is nothing like takin a leasurly ride with no lid. dangerous, but i can see why people would do it. just sayin.
welcome to the .org you can find some great info on here. i live in a state that requires helmets but the state next to me doesnt. let me tell you there is nothing like takin a leasurly ride with no lid. dangerous, but i can see why people would do it. just sayin.
Same here, Mo. requires it Ks. doesn't, but I won't ride without one. And :welcome:aboard wear your helmet.:thumbsup: