HJC CL-14 Helmet is junk


At the beginning of this riding season I found myself sliding down the pavement at 70 mph. I learned 3 things from that experience. 1.) All roads are not racetrack quality. Most roads suck. 2.) Always wear full gear because although road rash leaves pretty purple scars - they hurt. 3.) KBC makes a damn good helmet. (I was wearing a VR-7 I think)

So I bought a new bike (Busa) and a new helmet. I was going to buy a $500 Shoei but I liked the looks of an HJC CL-14, and hell it was only $120. (Unfortunately I know now, you get what you pay for!) I used it and although it fit tight, the shell was huge and lead to spaceman disease. But that was fine, the problem that lead me to start this post was that I changed shields 3 times on this bad boy. When I changed it the 3rd time, the mechanism broke. The spring mechanism got all kinds of screwed up and when I took it apart to fix it (yeah like I was going to fix this thing without magnifying glasses, needle nose pliers, and the hand of god guiding me) that spring made a B-line for outer space. I got so pissed that I drilled a hole in the visor, threw a screw in there and put a cover on it. It looks fine now, and actually works fine too. (Pics below) But the point is that this thing crapped out on me after 3 changes. I thought helmets were made to switch the damn shields!

You get what you pay for. My buddy has a HJC AC-11 which was $250 and he loves. Iv'e never worn it so I don't know, and I'm not knockin HJC. BUT I HAVE WORN A CL-14, and I can tell you that although it sound great at $120, the fact that after a couple of weeks you'll want another helmet negates the price. Although I liked my KBC I'm not playing any more and my next helmet will be a shoei. (Unless ROOF helmets start to become easily available here in the states because they look sick!)

Ok, my soapbox is over. Just don't give me guff saying I'm bashing HJC, because as a company they are probably great, but they make one product (CL-14) which I do think is crap (and hey, its ok to make crap products, as long as you put a big sticker on it that states !CRAP!)

There are two things where quality is directly proportional to cost:

1. Tools
2. Safety Equipment

I can't tell you how many times I've been screwed by getting either of those for cheap.
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with your HJC I have riden with HJC helmet for years and I love-em. Right now I have the HJC AC-11 (Zeek MC2) XL...
Sorry to hear that. I have thought of getting that helmet to go with Baby J. I currently have an HJC CL12 that works and fits quite well. I have not had the need to change shields on it since I put a dark smoke one on, so I have no experience with multiple shield changes. I just bought a Shoei and may pick up another for my girlfriend, but not because I am having trouble with the HJC.
Sucks man, The Monster Shell Size is why I 86'd my Shoei and got the Arai. I fit a large Shoei or a medium Arai Quantum... Go figure. So when I try on different helmets, I can really see a difference in overall size. Basically the Shoei's make me look like a bobble head...

As for Visor replacement, Shoei is prolly the easiest to understand, but once you get Arai's technique down it's completely painless and faster. It just takes a few times to get it.

Save a few extra pennies and try on just about every helmet they make, then get the one that weighs the least, and fits the best, so long as it carries the Snell/DOT rating. Though I can whole Heartedly recommend Arai...
I have an HJC Cl 14 and never have had any problems chaingeing the sheilds i do change it serveral times over a months time going from clear at night to mirrored in the day i did the same with me CL 12 i went to the new 14 cause it offered me alittle more interior room with my ears sorry you had bad luck with your you mighta just got a bad one outta the bunch I will say though i liked the removable and attatching of the sheilds on the CL 12 over this CL 14 though
I had the same problem when taking the shield off my CL-14.... once! Luckily the dealer I bought it from happens to be a good friend and riding buddy.. he replaced the broken clip for me at no charge~ I learned what I did wrong was not open it far enough before removing the visor.. thus snapping the clip that holds it in place~ Did this in the middle of one of Raider's Rides too~ Took about four or five of us and maybe 15-20 minutes toying with to get it back on~ Was able to get it on enough to ride home with it in place~ Anyhow... When the shield is open, and you think it's open all the way, there is one more click up that the shield must be in before removing~ If you get in that final click removing and replacing is not an issue at all~
I've got a CL-14 and love it...but, I have yet to mess with swapping out the shields...

Sorry you've had so much trouble...
Have a CL-14, visor latch broke after ~3 months of ownership. Never again, I use a KBC now and it's as noisy as it gets. I'm biting the bullet next go round for a shoei or arai!
I Use KBC VR-1 and it works great. I actually found a place that sells it for $127 and not the $219 the places around here sell it for. Although I do not reccommend the place that sells it for $127. They shipping suck as does their customer service. Great prices though.
Well I doubt HJC would do anything for me now because I put that screw through the visor (which means it's anchored in the helmet.) - But the helmet does work now and the mechanism is better than before!!!

Like I said I'm not knockin HJC. I'm sure their top model AC-11 is a very good helmet. But stay away from their cheapo CL-14. (You guys who haven't had problems with it...kudo's to you, and I hope you never do.)

I do however think that KBC makes a better helmet that is similarly priced. Their racer 1 helmets have gotten rave reviews and are an upgrade over the VR-(7?) I had.

I haven't tried any top model helmets yet (Arai, Shoei, Suomy) but I am not moved by the color schemes that arai and suomy put on their helmets. And when helmets are similar in quality and price it comes down to which one fits and looks better. So on that note if you haven't checked out shoei's 2005 line up, I advise you to do so because they have some killer helmets. (I am sure that is where my next helmet will come from, unless it doesn't fit right.)

The link below should take you to shoei's helmets at motorcyclesuperstore.com:


My favorite is the Z-II Ryu (I think there was a japanese wrestler once named Ryu Hayabusa..so that one is kinda special.) But there are about 5 others that I think are killer, and the X-elevens are supposed to be cutting edge.
I have 2 Cl-14s, changing shields is tricky, did it once and wouldn't want to try again. The price was right though, can't understand why guys pay $500 for Shoei/ Arai, are they really worth 5X the price?
I have 2 Cl-14s, changing shields is tricky, did it once and wouldn't want to try again. The price was right though, can't understand why guys pay $500 for Shoei/ Arai, are they really worth 5X the price?

It's just that simple... Bottom line, your betting your life on a Chinese made, To a PRICE POINT, Cut Corners Product... No thanks not me! It's like cars. Sure the Hyundai is just as street legal as the Mercedes S Class. But which one do you want to be in if you get broadsided by a drunk in a Chevy Caprice?


But when it comes to helmets everyone cheaps up... It's not all hype and Bullshid... Do your own reading, research the companies, and then decide if your head is really where you want to save a buck...

It's like buying budget condoms.... Just makes no fuggin sense. We got folks that will drop $1100 on their exhaust system for 10hp they will never fuggin feel, but freak at the idea of buying a quality helmet they can really trust...

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So what kind of helmets do your girlfriends/wives have? I am in the market for a helmet for the wife but don't necessarily want to get "matching" helmets.
It's just that simple... Bottom line, your betting your life on a Chinese made,
What makes it ok to buy a Japanese bike, but yet a Chinese helmet is not ok? I really do not think it matters where it comes from as long as it is made with quality materials. If a helmet passes both snell and DOT standards, it should be just as safe as the helmets you pay $600 for. I think a lot of the high price comes from the design of the helmet, such as air flow, weight and comfort, not the material it is made from. Plus you pay for the name.

I mean harley cost an arm and a leg, but doesn't mean they are the best bikes out there.