HJC CL-14 Helmet is junk

Loboboy, here is an interesting fact about helmets and concussions during races

Last Five Years With Head Hit, Retired Helmet
(Or Should Have Retired Helmet)

Brand   Crashes Crashes With Concussion Percent With Concussion
AGV         73                   26                            35.6%
Arai        449                  144                           32.1%
Bell         21                    10                            47.6%
Bieffe      16                     8                             50.0%
HJC         86                    31                            36.0%
Shoei      361                 123                             34.1%
Suomy      9                     4                              44.4%
Simpson    4                     2                              50.0%

Looking at this chart shows HJC only 1.9 % behind shoei. It does show arai 6% less then HCJ though.

here is tha article this was from has too info on it

<span style='color:darkred'>Allright allright...  Enough man...</span>  I sorta poke and prod and stir shid up, I don't really mean to piss folks off...Well OK I kinda do, but not REALLY PISSED... Hell half the tampa folks I ride with wear HJC etc...  I'll catch all sorts of hell from them out in the world for picking on their shid...

Chances are ANY modern DOT and SNELL really will suffice and keep you alive.  True...  

Helmets do NOT cause neck injuries...  True...

If an impact shatters your cheap helmet, it's fatal in ANY HELMET... True... UNLESS there was a defect in the cheap helmet and it fails under a "normal" load...

Dead Helmet wearers cannot sue and their families settle out of court for $250k signing non-disclosure agreements.  

I'm an argumentitive prick...TRUE

Bieffe and SIMPSON are the ones selling real Dangerous SHID!... TRUE!!!  

Holy crap, how about we just start tearing apart ANY helmet that offers you a 50/50 chance of walking away w/o a concusion...

Last thing I'll offer up, besides my apologies for being a sadistic SOB....  The Streets are far more DANGEROUS than ANY racetrack...  We have curbs, cars, trees to contend with.  This is why I think breaking the bank for a Helmet is worth while...

I don't mean to sound like such an ELITIST FUGGIN PRICK (As Mrs. Revlis Pointed out)  I just really do believe that you cannot underestimate the value of a High Quality helmet...  I have done more than read one little article as you insinuate  above.  I really do live and breath bike mags, Web Reviews, etc...    

But seriously, I have a pair of Teknic Violater ProII Gloves $69 on sale.  Teknic Boots $100 on sale, Joe Rocket Leather $300 or so about 3 years ago...   What I am trying to say is I shop sales, I do not go running free through verdent fields of cash...  but the Arai was still worth every penny IMNSHO...

I'm not a kid, (Though I play one on the Web)   But I've been around, I did the college thing, the Military Thing etc...  I have almost never found the sentiment "You get what you pay for" to be false.
 Helmets do NOT CAUSE NECK INJURIES....  From MAIDS  Report
your right about the Japan thing i was in a hurry when I wrote that. I guess neither one of us knows where this shid comes from.

also when i said neck breaking not hurting.
the report i heard was that people were sliding down the road and their helmets would hit something on the roadand start skippin across the pavement and snap their necks. kind of like skipping a rock on a lake
Loboboy, here is an interesting fact about helmets and concussions during races

Last Five Years With Head Hit, Retired Helmet
(Or Should Have Retired Helmet)

Brand Crashes Crashes With Concussion Percent With Concussion
AGV 73 26 35.6%
Arai 449 144 32.1%
Bell 21 10 47.6%
Bieffe 16 8 50.0%
HJC 86 31 36.0%
Shoei 361 123 34.1%
Suomy 9 4 44.4%
Simpson 4 2 50.0%

Looking at this chart shows HJC only 1.9 % behind shoei. It does show arai 6% less then HCJ though.

here is tha article this was from has too info on it

Hahahaha! I'm sticknig with HJC....According to those statistics. Arai and Shoei cause more crashes :p

Frick the only reason I dug up this old post was cause my hjc slip snapped and I was about to throw away my helmet thinking it could not be repaired. But now that I know it can be repaired. I'll hold on to it long enough to save up for another helmet. Not necessarily a "better one" as this thread argues about. But just one with less stress required to change a friggen lid.
Frick the only reason I dug up this old post was cause my hjc slip snapped and I was about to throw away my helmet thinking it could not be repaired. But now that I know it can be repaired. I'll hold on to it long enough to save up for another helmet. Not necessarily a "better one" as this thread argues about. But just one with less stress required to change a friggen lid.  
Dude, forget about getting it fixed...it'll just break again.

Throw a screw in there like I did. It'll be better than new!