Whoa hold up... Japan and China are two different places. One place holds technological kings and the other place fosters SARS. Big difference!What makes it ok to buy a Japanese bike, but yet a Chinese helmet is not ok? I really do not think it matters where it comes from as long as it is made with quality materials. If a helmet passes both snell and DOT standards, it should be just as safe as the helmets you pay $600 for. I think a lot of the high price comes from the design of the helmet, such as air flow, weight and comfort, not the material it is made from. Plus you pay for the name.
I mean harley cost an arm and a leg, but doesn't mean they are the best bikes out there.
And yes all you really need to be safe is a helmet that passes DOT and SNELL standards, however some of the high end helmets have higher crash scores than some of the lower end helmets, meaning even though a $100 helmet may be DOT and SNELL approved, it may not hold together when you hit a guard rail at 180 mph, while if you have an $400, $500, or $600 Arai or Shoei, you might be able to live the rest of your life as a vegetable...if you're lucky.
And yes some of that high price does come from the design of the helmet. I mean air flow, weight, and comfort are extremely important factors!!! You want full concentration on a bike and don't want to be worn out after a long ride from fighting to hold your head up, sweating to death in a non-vented helmet, having to open the visor every 30 sec. to de-fog it.....etc...(you get the point)
So, yes I'd say $50-$100 of Shoei's and Arai's are due to their name, but the rest is all quality. So we are talking $300-$400 worth of quality compared to the $100-$200 worth of quality of lesser helmets.....
Ever since my CL-14 crapped out, I've been looking at all the helmets, and I'm now sold that a $500 is not hype...it's necessity. You guys may think different, but think about it for 1 minute.....do you even want to take that chance?
P.S. wasn't yellin at ya ralnsplder, just trying to let people see things the way I see 'em, and your post was a perfect vehicle.
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