Home from the Hospital

Sorry to hear about the accident.

We should make an unwritten rule for all bikers. WHether a sportbiker or cruiser. I know the first response after a fellow rider goes down is to make sure the rider is okay. But if you are riding with someone or a crew. There should be at LEAST one if not two of the crew that go after someone who tries to flee the scene. Not to stop them, but to get a plate and possible description. Then come back and take care of the downed soldier. Too many muthafuckas (Excuse my language) get away with this poop!! ANd they go home throw up, cry then forgive themselves, then go about their lives, while the soldier is in the hospital or worse DEAD!!
O schnapp ! Damn Cookie ! Just glad to hear that alright man, hang n there Playa I know you will back on the Busa n no time .
Wow, thank you all for the renewed interest and well wishes in my crash.

Parts is parts, as is said. Since the crash, I have been buying parts and slowly rebuilding the Busa. I am taking my time because concrete floors in the garage are a bit aggravating on the leg. But, it is coming around.

I only have one body. It is still painful. I'm walking with a slight limp because of fluids behind the patella (that is slowly coming back to normal), a very nasty ankle sprain (that without my Alpinestars my ankle may have been crushed). Thank God for giving me the ability to make the choice to buy leathers and full gear to which this outcome isn't as bead as it could have been.

BusaBrother, Twisted did all that he could do given the situation. That 'fleckin BLINGIN ESCALADE' was down the road and gone before Twisted even got turned around. He just thought that I would swerve around that wasted piece of flesh the same way he did.

I wish I could have gotten his plate number because the pain that I am going through is certainly not being fully covered in what I have available in my 'Uninsured Motorist' coverage.

Which bring up a totally different topic? What each rider carries in their ‘UM’!

I read threads where riders are constantly comparing their insurance carriers and coverage and how LOW their payments are, but more times out of none the rider is;


If in the event there is no witness and you are stuck holding the bill on surgery and other things like physical therapy, massage, et. al., there is no way you will be able to cover your own arse if you are UNDER-INSURED.

With everything eating away at the top limit in UM it certainly doesn’t award, you the recipient, much to savor for a lifetime of pain and debilities.

We ride serious machines, lets insure ourselves seriously!

But, as it goes, until it happens to you the standard answer and thought is, "It won't happen to me'!

That is why it's called an 'ACCIDENT' not an 'ON PURPOSE'.
Hey Chris,
I'm so sorry to hear about this..we were doing so well that day. It was a pleasure meeting you that day. I'm so sorry about everything..I'm glad you're okay...please take care..I hope you will recover quickly. Damn drivers...:angry:
Thanks. Strange as it was, it was the following day, Monday(?). The day after the Oyster Run. Great meeting all of you Canucks! :biggrin:

bigtsbusa, thank you. :beerchug:

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Cookie - I relate... still got a sensitive knee myself after a Buell front wheel washed-out in a small gravel patch at night a few years ago. It's a real testament to your spirit that you are healing your bike as you heal. Godspeed!
Cookie, obviously I overlooked this thread when I first joined the board. So sorry to hear about the crash, but glad you still here able to talk about it. It certainly does make you appreciate the gear and reevaluate that UM insurance coverage. We are with you throughout the recovery. Can't wait until you are back up riding again. I know your bike misses you.
So sorry to hear you went down, But Very HAPPY to hear you are OK.We can always replace Material things But not Friends and Family.So I 'm Glad you are OK brother.As I believe your Good Karma + Guardian Angel(s)+ your Leathers and out fit Saved you from this accdnt. you will fix your machine may you get well soon..Chamalk:(
Yes, Rick, they did and wrote me a pretty decent check.

I bought the bike back and over the last month I have been rebuilding/compiling parts for completion. I am going about it rather slowly because of earlier stated complications.

I thank God every day that I am here to tell you my story.

Thank you, Chamalk, WarBaby, Criss123, BigBSBusa, Havoc and anyone I have forgotten for your great words

Thank you to all that if only just reading you learned something.

<span style='color:royalblue'>In the end, I am only just one Man.</span>
i went down on my ducati monster last year ( high side ) and i didnt have insurance.
the man is right it will destroy your bank account when the big day comes that u need to have insurance and dont.
take care people and dont think it wouldn't happen to you.
get well soon.
Glad your IC took care of your, Now get the bike back together, i still owe you, Buster and that little weasel one, i havent forgot :mad: that day taught me a valuable lesson that holds true to this day, and i thank you guys for that :)
" I live to ride, but i ride to live another day "
Glad to here to tell your story
Seeing good people go down because of other sugarbritches always gets me pissed off but im glad you walked away.
The bike is replaceable but your heartbeat is not :)
Heal well and ride soon...........