Hosting Raydog & Epic SoCal Ride

OMG, I'm so humbled and honored to 1)meet you all 2)dine with you all 3)ride with you all 4)share stories about lofty skill levels, heroism and personal conquests.

At 0600 on Thursday June 4th, I will leave Reno, visit a bud in Carmel, head southbound Hwy 1, got a cabin on cliffs in little settlement called Lucia (halfway to San Luis Obisbo), then stay on Hwy 1 all the way to San Diego.....this is a 10 day sport touring ride and clearly one of the highlights will be riding with SoCal bros! Doyle

Man, that sounds like heaven. Carmel to L.A. on Hwy 1 was how my wife and I spent our honeymoon. Doesn't get much better. Topped off by that weekend? :bowdown: You guys are going to have a blast :beerchug:
Nevermind. One of these days, I'm gonna get myself organazized. Nothing to see here.
28 days till lift off, bike still apart, better focus!

I just requested that day off from work......

Focus, my brutha, Focus!


Are you guys going to be at the dinner on Friday night?
Would sure like to meet you shortBoarder, and Vinny I will have some more CD pics by then.
I am trying to talk the wife into coming and if my powers of persuasion are successful we may stay in SD and and meet you on Palomar Saturday.
Are the rides open to anyone? Idyllwild sounds like a great ride. Where and what time will the ride start?
Are the rides open to anyone? Idyllwild sounds like a great ride. Where and what time will the ride start?

OMG you live in Yucaipa? Of course you're invited! Watch this strand as it unfolds. Raydog
Are the rides open to anyone? Idyllwild sounds like a great ride. Where and what time will the ride start?

Hey, Mike! :welcome: to the .oRg! :beerchug:

I'll publish the ride details in a week or so. Most of us will be coming north from San Diego, so I'll make a place where the southbound guys can join up.

It's going to be great!

Again, welcome!
SoCal fires, Swine flu, the Taliban.....I'm comin, I don't care what....and I'll be heavily armed! Doyle
Are you guys going to be at the dinner on Friday night?
Would sure like to meet you shortBoarder, and Vinny I will have some more CD pics by then.
I am trying to talk the wife into coming and if my powers of persuasion are successful we may stay in SD and and meet you on Palomar Saturday.

Amy and I are doing the FridAY night dinner......and I'm riding the Saturday ride.
Are you guys going to be at the dinner on Friday night?
Would sure like to meet you shortBoarder, and Vinny I will have some more CD pics by then.
I am trying to talk the wife into coming and if my powers of persuasion are successful we may stay in SD and and meet you on Palomar Saturday.

Hey, Bubba...the Saturday ride will be to plans to get to Palomar on this Epic SoCal Ride. :( Sorry. Maybe you can meet us there. Or?