Pictures of an Epic ride W/ RayDog and others.........Epic Day indeed.

It was a beautiful day of riding and learning! The company was totally awesome!
Doyle--Great to meet you man! following you up the hill was a total learning experience! Wish I was going to the Stampede so I could ride with you again!

Jason--Hopefully your tire made it just fine! I hope that you keep trying to find your line while riding! You improved so much from the morning to the afternoon! I would ride with you again anytime man!

Bubba--Awesome shots man! great riding with you and being able to put a face with the voice and name! Hopefully we can ride again, just make sure you get permission from the boss!

Scar-- As always a absolute blast! The perma-grin was on my face for hours after I got back to 29Palms! Although the wife gave me total for scrubbing the chicken strips off the back tire!

For the first time since I got my endorsement I can say that I have found a group of guys that can take the time to show someone how to ride safely and still have a AWESOME time doing it!
So, Doyle and I headed out again Sunday morning. We met Shoty (Chris), Mschivs173 (Dwayne) and Dwayne's bud, Reggie around 10:30 this morning and went for a decent ride on some of our standard-fare awesome twisty roads...finally coming to rest in Julian for the famous pie...yes, I know; very predictable...


Dwayne and Reggie were on short leashes for the day, so they split off after pie and Shoty, Doyle and I headed over to Palomar...Rick Clemson shots to follow later tonight or tomorrow.

Another amazing SoCal day...:beerchug:

Here's a pic of Doyle showing up at my place this morning...and a shot of the group at the foot of Sunise Highway.

Fun Ride from the master group leader.. :thumbsup:
The pie was a must, and heres' to more ride time in the future :beerchug:
Good Stuff *

:thumbsup: *

2018 May 19.jpg