How Am I Doing?  ME?  LEMME Share!!!!

Sorry to hear about your stressfull times. Make a list of the things that are going well. It helps. Personally, I am going on my third year of things mostly going down the tubes. It all works out. You just have to deal with the stress while it does though.
naked in the woods, covered in from Arkansas too? I was sure no one else liked that, now I don't feel so bad!! Now if I could only get her to do it....seriously, Rev.... hang in there, will all click at the most unexpected time. Your heart is in the right place!!
Sorry to hear about your folks. Hope for the best.
Could be worse. IE., I've been obssessed with that other thread and now wish I was in the running for dillhole of the year. Go figure.
I don't even know what that is...

I had to edit this. The reference is to a thread on another board, and it kicked off a long thread on the subject. It was funny at the time.

Back on subject, if you look back I'm sure you'll find other times when you conquered even more than is on your plate now. It is with experiences like those that we weather the new ones. Look at it like a new challenge. Kind of like learning to ride a 'busa.

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I got the shaved/butter/whipped cream/woods & public places thing covered, Rev...

I always wanted to dangle in the rough....always sounded pretty good. Nuttin' butt wind hittin know the deal.

Tossin up a prayer and a vat of shavin cream fer ya, bro..
OK A little good news was delivered yesterday... Pops made it through the surgery no sweat and is in ICU recovering...

So that's one more thing I shouldn't have to worry about.... Thanks folks...
Yeah Look slike I have to wait for another day to collect all them Guns...
OK Ok Yeah I'm relieved, but he does have quite the arsenal...
Keeping my fingers crossed for ya. ( I can simpathize, I've been a lil stressed myself lately ...
Since I'm lazy and haven't been keeping up.....I thought you had a good lead/interview a couple weeks back.....

Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions......

Still have a bagful of contacts up there if you want some numbers...
Nope Your Not Mistaken T-Bone... I had a great meeting a couple of weeks ago, really helped settle some things but that work I will be doing doesn't cover me entirely, it's limited contract work... Not alot of hours... But It's also the fun stuff... So I am psyched about that, while at the same time kinda stressed about the lack of response from the NW. Spooky...

I'll PM ya man...
Sorry to hear of all your family woes Rev. Prayers and thoughts go out to ya dude. All before, the news of you moving and Mrs. Rev getting a good job just seemed like a dream come true. It's almost like the cliche about taking one step ahead and wind up going two or three steps backwards...
Just keep ya head up dude and keep praying and it will all work itself out.
Rev...My thoughts are with ya dude.

When I got laid-off in South Carolina, and I got a job in Wisconsin, I had two weeks to get the house on the market and move myself up to WI to start work. What we thought would be a couple of months for the house to sell turned into an eight month ordeal. I was living in a studio apartment where I slept with my .45 under my pillow. Let's just say that it was not the best of neighborhoods. Then 4 months after the family moved up...thr friggin nuke plant closed....WTF.


Not trying to lessen your concerns at all. Just letting you know that I truely understand the stress you've got, and hope it all works out for you. Glad to hear you Dad is doing better.
Hey Rev. What type of work are you looking for. I live near Seattle, and I have a few contacts in Oregon (I used to live in Portland, OR).

PM me. I'll keep my eyes open for you.
Anytime you need to vent
, just bring it on champ.

Hang in there, Rev and I hope your Pops is feeling better too.
