How Am I Doing?  ME?  LEMME Share!!!!

Thanks Folks...

Quick Update... Pops is supposed to be going home tonight. We'll see. I guess there is some difficulty keeping his heart rate regular and steady. He's a mean gristly old SOB though so he will prolly check himself out and just shock himself with a car battery and some Jumper cables if they keep messing around.

Otherwise he's doin OK.
Good news...

I have been absent as of late, I am sorry my friend, I hope these letters of support helps you in any way.

rmember Bad things are only temporary. I hope and pray for the best and if ya need anything and I can help just PM.

Still need realtor?

Your Bud,
Rev, if it helps.. my Dad went in for a quadruple bypass a few years ago. while on the table his heart decided to stop twice, scary times I'll tell ya. anyway he stuck with the PT and today he is healthier than ever. Maintains a good diet and excercise plan and celebarted 67th birthday. Just a success story i thought i'd share with ya...

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Glad to hear that he's doing better. With the current techniques the heart surgeons are using, he should easily get a few more enjoyable year ahead of him.

Hey bout I come down there and buy ya a beer? Actually......I AM coming down there again. 2nd week in March. and YES...I'll have a car this time. You and the wifey want to meet us at the hotel and sit in the pool and drink all day long? I'll buy.... give me a call dude.
Stay strong and prayed up. I have learned that the prayer and studying the word is all you need to get through anything.