How did you arrive at your Username ?

I read the threads , I read the posts and I read who posted it.
Sometimes its easy to decipher how and what your usernames are or mean.
Sometimes I am like WTF ?

Names like:

Are Easy but some are not.
There are some deep thoughts in y'alls usernames and some I cant figure.
So how bout making it easier for all of us to understand where we come from and how our noodles works ?

I'll go first. What may seem easy to some may not be to others.

As I live in South Florida under heavy spanish influence I put a little spice in my name.

Blanca Busa is spanish for White Busa with a feminine touch as my bikes always have had girls names. :thumbsup: except for my first KV75 which was named Kermit !

What does yours mean and how did you come up with it ?

Yeah...Takeuon has stayed w/ me from my Senior year in high school in which my Dad was so F'ing COOL and bought me a 1987 Mustang GT w/ T-tops :cheerleader::cheerleader: Can't tell you how I felt driving that around. Power chip, full MagnaFlow exhaust, custom wheels.
Thinking I was bigger then my britches allowed... I went to DMV and applied for Takeuon for my plate.

Well...I had many "take me on" , unfortunately one day another Mustang "took me on" and an old man pulled out in front me, forcing me to drive off the road & I put my beauty into a tree at 50mph. That was the end of that. Give my Dad props for putting trust in his Son to see if I was responsible enough to handle a car like that at the age of 17. Sadly, I was not. I blew it! :down:

Great life learning lesson.
Yeah, I can imagine. My Camaro, although it needs some work to be returned to it' s former glory, is my baby. I' d be ready for a beatdown if I were in a similar situation. It' d just be kinda interesting when the cops show though.... :whistle:
I am bumping my thread back to the top cuz this is too cool !

Vonderbach sorry bout your dog. I know how you feel as well as my bro does.
He has the name as well as date of passing tattoed on his arm of Buster 6-27-00.

Sorry that the first thought that came to your fathers mind was a six pack of beer....:poke::rofl:
Mines easy......

k 1655.jpg
I rode may bikes but never really felt te passion. When I purchased and started to roll on my 2006 LE, I told someone the Busa was a Joy to Ride...

Hense the username: joyRYDER
The admins at the CBR forum cam up with mine. After a meet I couldn't log on untill one of them sent me an email telling me they changed my name to Jaysus. I'm guessing it's because my name is Jay and i have long hair like Jesus......... since then they changed my name again to Jaygermeister because I can carry a bottle of Jägermeister under my hump, that and I was nipping it all weekend at the last meet. :beerchug:
Mine came from my wife. We had a cat named Ibis, and one night we got home, and she was kinda drunk. She was wandering around the house and ran into Ibis....she told me that Ibis was "ibified" and giggled like a loon while she said it.

Ibis licking nuts.jpg

Rest in peace, pal...

Ibis licking nuts.jpg
Her Royal Highness DIana.

I'm really not as high maintenance as it's sounds...Honest!
well my first real trip on the busa was east. And I want to get back to the east coast area as well so there you have it me and the busa plan to head east :thumbsup:
B00ST00 is a name ive always used on a local forum and mustang forums. I have a 2000 mustang that I put a supercharger on back in 03. Ever since then its had some form of forced induction on it.
When my wife describes my hobbies she say I like to make things that Boom or Vroom. I all but two of what you see my family holding in this picture.
Many Busa Bashes ago, in the land of the Dragon, in a town far far away known as Robinsville a great white Captain was having a racial moment and, whilst realizing my foo was indeed strong christened me Jet Li!! :whistle: