How did you make your way to this site

Friend of a friend. Lots of busa owners in San Diego. Contemplating getting one, I am enjoying reading/scanning/looking at all of the forum posts.
Hello all I first found this site through the google search engine. I'm glad that i did Just bought my 04 LE busa last week and now I'm going to be on this site all of the time. The wealth of information that is here is amazing. Hopefully I will post all of my questions in the right forums if I don't just bare with me I will do my best to correct that. Thanks for reading in advance.

I have 2 Busas, and managed to break up both of them. Google I went, and lots of results came to Im in San Antonio, and for the stuff I want done, you'd be amazed at how many people dont want my money. Lot of it isnt major stuff, but I admit, Im about as handy with a tool as Betty Crocker is.

Then, I had a heck of a time registering. It kept saying I already had an account, but I didnt. The Help Desk came in and blamed it all on Kim Dotcom, and now Im good!!!

Glad to be here!!!!
looked up the question "how do you know if your bike has power commander?" couple of clicks later, here I am. fun and informative forum. A humble hello from the great white north! (canada)
:google: is the s*** !!!!:laugh: CAP must have paid somebody off in :google:. Cuz just about any question you ask, the .org pops up. Most pics come from the .org

Come on CAP, be honest, did a lil palm greasing...huh:laugh:

Nah, but same here. Shopping around for a busa, came across the .org on a :google: search, At the time, I really wasn't into forums and such. But I ended up getting one from the dealer. Got on the computer again and ask a question in :google: about doing the undertail, and yep you guess it, one of those awsome pinned how to threads pop up.... and...well....the rest is history !!! I have been obsorbing knowledge and laughing non stopped ever since..:laugh:

Definitely one of my greatest finds on google.:thumbsup:
As soon as I bougth my 2008 hayabusa, I wrote hayabusa forum in google and the page appeared.
Great discover by the way!
Google, Google, Google.... 2011 Hayabusa, have had it about 3 weeks now, already replaced rear tire (nail), gonna install Brock's Alien slip-ons tonight along with some Heli bars :) FUN!!
I found this page after doing some research on parts for my new 2012 Busa. Been riding harleys for almost 20 years decided time for something different and havent looked back. this site is a lot of help. keep it up guys.
I ran across this site while looking for some technical information. I found two sites that were quite helpful so I joined. Looking to learn a lot about my new bike and contribute what little knowledge I do have. :laugh:
just bought an '05 busa last month. rode and noticed it was slipping in 2nd gear under a load, thought it was the clutch, replaced the clutch; didnt go away. So I hopped on here to google and looked up 2nd gear slip and it brought me hear...too find out i have to drop the motor...