How did you make your way to this site

I was looking at trading my 14 for a hayabusa last summer, I did a number of searches to find out more about it and this site came up more than any other. Picked up new hayabusa begining of september.
had a problem with my 01 overheating and when i did searches the .org kept comin up so i liked what a saw and joined.
Since I have a Hayabusa sandrail a buddy of mine told me to check this site out since he has a Hayabusa Sand Car
I was on the web searching out new and exciting s#%t about my new toy, well its new to me, and when I entered the almighty word HAYABUSA into google the site popped since my recent puchase of an 06 busa i have been looking for new and exciting things to do to it.
Im looking for suggestions. right now all it has is a powercommander, quick ****er, ss brake lines, and full devil exhaust.
contemplating a naked conversion and really want to put a turbo on it.

I look forward to tons of fast fun with it.


found the site via google search whatever you look for busa related on the search engine .org is the no 1 for good reason

keep up the great work
Actually I saw a link for this site back in 2005 on a ZZR forum. The owner (Kevin) didnt mind people posting about having other bikes so he put links up for other pages to let them know there was a place to go. Due to the demise of a great bike and the coming of the ZX-14 the site has closed. When I bought my bike I allready knew the site existed so I came right to it.
Googled (or the like).

I actually joined up seven years, or so, ago after having just bought my 'busa but life overtook things, time moved on and it was only tonight, after looking forward to getting back out on her this spring, that I decided to resurrect my membership! Same 'busa, owned from new, other bikes might come and go (and they will) but I'll never sell her :biggrin:

After having my last bike stolen I did a search for "comfortable sport bike for big guys". And here I am with a busa and comfortable.
I was looking for a new jacket and helmet to match the bike and a linked I clicked sent me here.....I love this site now but still need a new jacket and helmet lol =[ Any site's you guy's know that will customize both?
Dad just bought a Busa not to long ago... Now after riding his... especially in NC... Gotta have one... Awesome. Awesome. Awesome Site! I have learned so much already from you guys.. Thank you
Searching for hayabusa ideas and differant mods and always came up with the .org Had to join and couldnt be happier. You learn something new everyday :laugh:
My wife bought a 06 Busa and on a ride one day, ran into an .org member who told her about the site. I joined about 6 months later.
had an electrical issue, googled the problem and ended up at the org. posted and it was commented on, discussed, debated and finally fixed. the whole process took about an hour. thanks to all who helped with that and all the other issues ive had since i got my busa. <3 the Org and all who dwell here!
I bought an 06 last year and it had the standard vibration, thought it might have been an issue so I Googled and this site came up. Turns out it is a standard 4-4500rpm vibration.