Does this site need to continue?

But if it does continue ...

Then get yo azz out to Laguna this year cuz it is MOTO GP BABY! BTW tickets for everything are allmost sold out ... I have an extra room for ya - standing by ...
I don't post very often, but I come to this site every day to see what's new. Lot's of great people, and lot's of help in this forum... this is the ONLY forum that I visit regularly. Please don't stop it!!!

THANKS for this site and i agree exactly what flyboy said... Captain...I would be sad to see it go...Do what you have to do...I will always have great memories from being here..made friends ....PaceM.
I am in with everyone else. I am on the board almost everyday after work (that is only because it is blocked at work. I have account with and am that one almost as much as this one. But those are the only two that I am on. I enjoy this site. I have actually met a couple of people in my area, or near my area from the site!
i love this site i am on 2 times daily min this is how i unwind after dealing with 50 students in my classes a day the people here are the best no question about it i cant wait to meet some of them from AZ and i think this says it all HAYABUSA.ORG
there can only be one
thanks Capt and i love the site just the way it is i dont need any fancy changes to keep it fresh i think the members do a great job of doin that
ps sorry all that i dont post more often
Would really like to see the site stay, I have learned a lot from the people here. It is a shame that they cost so much to run these things, Don't put yourself out though at the cost of everyone else. I'm sure everyone would understand if you had to shut it down. Just hope it doesnt get to that point
Cap, I rode a bike for 12 years and never rode with anyone until I got a Busa and got on this site. I've met SO Many people and have been on some very good rides. When we get together at Laguna, we start talking like we know each other because we talk here. It's like a family reunion. You get to see and hear someone you've talked to for months, Live. I don't think that would have happened if we didn't have this site. It wouldn't be the same trying to email everyone and get them together.
There have been a LOT of new people coming in lately. It looks like they're answering the questions and starting the new topics that us olde guys used to do. It's not Big O, Howlin', Hawaii, Lo, Jester, and Doc doin' all the talking so much anymore, now it's BT, Rev,VA, etc. and they're doing pretty well I think.
I think the site looks fine, and if you want to pare it down that's good.
Come to Laguna Cap, see what you started.
I guess I'd qualify as an "Old Timer". Doug, my opinion is leave the board as is. Dont bother trying to improve it. I'd go nuts without my daily dose of HOG!! Your board has introduced me to some pretty cool people. Without your board, I'd never have met them. I have also gleamed amazing amounts of information. Heck, I've had people make long distance phone calls on their dime to help me out on the bike. I don't think you'd find that friendship on any other boards. Please keep it running.

Come to Laguna Cap, see what you started.[/QUOTE]

I bet there is enough $$$ in the Busa Fund to accomplish this!!!  Time off will be difficult for Doug though, New job and all...

Really this is what I have gotten out of the board....

The People:

From outta Town! Who gave me a shout when they were inbound?  

Oracle Here Twice

Hell I picked Oracle and his Lovely Wife up at the Airport just a couple Saturdays ago?  Played Cabbie for em' and we got some Lunch, real good time...

Locally? Been riding with a lot of folks, all because of THIS board.

Cecil Stringer
Pure Energy

Nationally like I mentioned earlier, there are tons of folks I would like to swing by and visit.  They are everywhere. Hell Canada is blanketed as well...

The nature of this board, the lack of BS etc. Makes it possible for like minded folks (OR NOT SO LIKE MINDED) to get together without worry. Look at all the folks that just run out and meet a stranger at the Circle K to go ride...  It's a beautiful thing and I think it's invaluable.  Gjoker, TKM, The Mrs, and myself drove about 1.5 hours to go hang out with Sled and his crew at Disney.  We all meet up and it's pretty much like we've known each other for years...  It rocks...

If I end up in the Bay area?  You can bet the Lo and the rest are going to be getting hit up.  I won't be needing a bunch of maps or magazines to tell me where to go ride, or what to watch out for, I got   It holds true for Atlanta, Seattle, Thousand Oaks, Denver, I mean every place I might be going there is at least 3-4 members that I know I can head out on the road with...    That's what is best about the board...    

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Cap'n, I'm a newbie to this board (march) and not a real big poster. The post count/whore thing has always been sort of a mystery to Me as if I don't have something to say that is valid or helpful or a question I don't post. What I will say on this issue is that I was welcomed here and have enjoyed this board greatly, I started lurking about a week before I bought My Busa and this board helped Me quite a bit in the decision to buy new rather than used. The Mod info for the common guy on this site is second to none (real world customization vs turbos and bling). I feel that Your objectives have and are being met. Yes You will have a fall ing away of the old timers but for every new Busa that is sold there is still a chance of them finding thier way here and this site is still the best for the new owner with legitimate questions. Thanks for the board, Terry
It basically boils down to this, for the past 4 years we have been working very hard to add features, stir things up, post and get membership hitting hard and now that I don't have a lot of time do do those things I feel that I am neglecting the site. The board is stagnate in looks, in the past we changed the main site roughly every 3 months and we havent done that in a long time. No new features on the board, no hacks, and NO pictures have been uploaded to the gallery from the members in months. At one point in time I had people knocking my doors over to post videos and images and that has all faded away. The money is really a small small part of what is going on here. I think that most of stems from just having the feeling that the site is fading away. There are 75 trouble tickets that have been opened from folks that are needing some sort of help with the site... Marc, Lori, Kent, Josh, I could go on and on with names of folks that I have come to think of as friends because of this sick twisted thing we call the Inernet. I think that a portion of my concerns stem from not having communications with you all when you have events, I bet if I was able to go to laguna once I would never think about turning the site off. But in all reality I've only met 3 of ya and two came to my house. I just need to make sure that Im not the guy that is broadcasting my own radio station with no one listening... If there is still some good coming from this site then so be it... No charges, no fees, no membership dues.... If you all are telling me that friendships are still being formed and relationships continue then the site continues to meet it's original objective. Rev the reason this comes up every 6 - 9 months is because I go through periods where I don't see any activity on the website as a whole, yeah there are a lot (A LOT -- 14 million hits on the board alone last month) of folks that lurk on the site but activity has died way way down. I might shrink the site a tad and just leave the board up and remove the gallery and videos, chat, email, and banners and just let the site manage itself for awhile...

Thanks for the input...

aka CAp
OK next year you are going to Laguna with me. I have formed lots of friedships including you my friend, and that is without meeting all of you. i would lik to spend a year meeting eveyone. I have et many in all my travels, and I will be knocking o your door son Doug. Still have to get to Texas to visit my Mom in the near future, so I hope to at least share a beer with you.

One thing I woud like to see and would help in anyway is a complete mod and tech section that is easy to search, so we can auto point new memers before they even ask any questions. Soething that really stand out??

have a great da Doug. talk to you later
What can I say that hasn't already been said.....
Thanks for everything you do Doug, both on the site and behind the scenes..

It's best to remember the following:
"A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you, and were helped by you, will remember you when forget-me-nots are withered. Carve your name on hearts, and not on marble."
Charles Spurgeon
I think this site is da bomb I have learned many things and have met many people(not in person yet) but I do stop by just about everyday to see if there is anything I can chime in on or ask questions about certain things and to tel you the truth I have been to other sites but none can compare to this one...
Capt you are the man...

I can only speak for myself here as one of the "Old Timers" who bitches and moans about the changes going on or the same old questions asked again and again but hellooooooooo, guess who keeps coming back!!!   ME!!!  Why??  Cuz it's a great place to be!!  PERIOD!!  Even when I get grumpy and take a short hiatus from the board, I'm still lurking around incognito because I like reading what's going on, seeing how my friends are doing and checking out what folks are doing to their bikes etc.....

We're a family here no doubt.  Running to eachothers rescue when we crash and need help re-building.. Sharing eachothers pain when we have personal tragedies...  Opening up our homes to board members traveling to our areas...  There's not that many boards out there, no on second thought, there's no boards out there that have that type of closeness or share the respect we do for one another...   Granted, we get some a$$holes (not you Bacharles) from time to time that drop in and stir things up, but the basic theme of the board goes unchanged as we rally together and give said A-Hole his walking papers!!!

The BUSA hasn't changed much and has been around for a while, but our enthusiasm for our bikes and that of the NEWBIES that come around keeps it entertaining around here.  I would really hate to see it go...  There's no other like HAYABUSA.ORG.  I know the majority vote would be that we would rather help contribute to keep the board going than to see it go.  If it's a time aspect, then there's not too much we can do about that, but if it's strictly a financial thing then just be real with us and let us know what it would take to keep it going...

I promise not to bitch about anything anymore and sign in non-annonymous so you know I'm hanging out...  I only do that cuz Bacharles is a stalker.....  

Just wanted to give my .02 and it ended up being .50  Bottomline, do what's best for you but know that we would be willing to help!!!!!!

Your pal,

Uhhh Lo, if you want the admins to kick me off the board, then don't beat around the bush. Just say so! Why are you even harrassing me anyway?
I thought we settled our little dispute, forgave everything, and went our separate ways? Now, I haven't even mentioned one little thing about you, but yet and still you drag me into something as SERIOUS as this. You make it sound as if I'm some kind of pedophile or somethin'. Well if that's how you want it, then sobeit. I won't be around anymore to be the center of your ridicule and insults. GOODBYE FOREVER!!!

OK I'm back.
By popular demand no doubt?
Anyway all I said before was a lot of bullshit as most of what I say anyway. Problem is, you'll never know if I'm serious or not. There's nothing more I can add to what everyone else has so eloquently elaborated on, but I'm down with paying a fee to stay here. Please don't put me out Capt., I have nowhere else to go.
Actually with all BS aside, is it just the financial side, or is it more the time involved? Just curious because we've discussed this matter before.

out of all the sites on the web im here at least 80% of the time this is such a great wealth of knowledge and some of the most mature people around cutting back on some aspects is cool but don't let the site become Elvis altogether Capt. this is like a 2nd family to most of us
I love this site....and I don't really care about the if it's upgraded or's the communication and info to read from other members that I enjoy.... You are and have done a great job Cap.....

I would say that it's pretty obvious a lot of people really like the board - me included. What I would ask is that you please don't just shut it down. If you need $, just post what you need. If you need to wash your hands of the responsibility than throw it out there for some of us to come up with a plan to take it off your hands.