What does the site need?

-A "BACK" button from the picture gallery to the Board.  

-Contributing members either through t-shirt/decal purchase, donations, etc... should have the option of setting up their own photo albums in the Gallery?

-Make the "ADD REPLY" page a little more user friendly.  Bring back the ability to easily change font size, color, heck even the font.   A spell checker would kick butt...  Maybe go to a Horizontal layout?  Place the typing field across the bottom half of the page, with all of the moti's, fonts, color options, etc across the top half...Just a thought....

-Place the Moti's back into a smaller scrolling window and allow folks to add their own moties to a custom motie drop down.  Allow motie's to be placed anywhere in the body, not just at the end. Currently it is impossible to go back into what you have written and drop moties in, they only show up at the end of the text.  
- Increase the number of Moties allowed, or distinguish somehow between motie's in a quote and motie's in a reply.

Nothing Earth shattering there I know, but just some thoughts...
OK If I quote myself do I explode? Thanks for getting the format in the reply window back...<table style=filter:blur>Good</table> stuff!

My only thought would be to get away from a floating Motie window and place a scrollable frame or pull down for them instead. Just my .02, I know not of what I speak when it comes to web page design and layout, just a thought.

I'll look into it but it causes some compatiblity issues with different browsers.  The popup version seems to be the most compatible.  Also, you can add them anywhere, you just have to cut and paste them to where you want. :cool: replaces the text :cool: no matter where it is in the reply.
Okay, I've got a spell checker going now. Its just click the button at the bottom and it will send it to another site and let you make changes. Copy and past the final text back to your post. This is about the best I can do for now. And now for a poem:

Eye halve a spelling checker
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it to say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me straight a weigh

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My checker tolled me sew
How about a forum for those awesome bike sounds we all love so much.

The sound of a busa launching at a dragstrip, the wail of a high speed run, the up and down revs of a trip through the twisties, etc.

Would it be possible to put them with instructions on how to use them as sounds for our PCs (for those of us that are computer illiterate) Nothing would start my morning off better than my PC booting up to sound of 10,000 rpms.

If you can find a way to incorporate the smell of exhaust and hot rubber along with the sounds, then it would really rock. :super: