OK If I quote myself do I explode? Thanks for getting the format in the reply window back...<table style=filter:blur>Good</table> stuff!-A "BACK" button from the picture gallery to the Board.
-Contributing members either through t-shirt/decal purchase, donations, etc... should have the option of setting up their own photo albums in the Gallery?
-Make the "ADD REPLY" page a little more user friendly. Bring back the ability to easily change font size, color, heck even the font. A spell checker would kick butt... Maybe go to a Horizontal layout? Place the typing field across the bottom half of the page, with all of the moti's, fonts, color options, etc across the top half...Just a thought....
-Place the Moti's back into a smaller scrolling window and allow folks to add their own moties to a custom motie drop down. Allow motie's to be placed anywhere in the body, not just at the end. Currently it is impossible to go back into what you have written and drop moties in, they only show up at the end of the text.
- Increase the number of Moties allowed, or distinguish somehow between motie's in a quote and motie's in a reply.
Nothing Earth shattering there I know, but just some thoughts...
My only thought would be to get away from a floating Motie window and place a scrollable frame or pull down for them instead. Just my .02, I know not of what I speak when it comes to web page design and layout, just a thought.