Does this site need to continue?

I care about this site and would like to help anyway I can...

Just ask I am a CIW and a graphic artist so I have a little bit of skills to offer.


I was off the Net for a long time and used to have the
screename "INEVERLEARN" and have been a member sinc July '01.

We need to have a fund raiser

Donations are a good idea. There is also a great site for owners of the other type of motorcycle that I have. Lots of good people on that board as well. Many members.

The admin of that board asked if some members would be willing to help support the site with donations made via PayPal. Those who donated were identified on the site by a special symbol next to their screen-names when they post. I can tell you a large number of the members of that site now have a "site-supporter" star next to their names.

I'd certainly be willing to make a donation to this board as well. It's worth it!
Here is what I am going to do... I need three or four volunteers..... Revlis you have already been volunteered so I need 4 others that want to help with the site.... Those that have been around awhile and they need spend some quality time here every day.

Let me know if you are interested. I need these folks to answer questions in the ticketing system, help with the gallery and setting up email accounts. There will also be some moderating and other stuff too..

Taking volunteers.......

Doug -

I am a computers systems engineer.

I have my own web site and have basic web programming skills.

I work on computers for a living.

While I am a busy busy person (two jobs, college, 3 kids, wife) I would be more than willing to see if I can be of value to you in someway. I almost always have access to an internet connected computer so I would be able to logon as admin and handle specific tasks..

Let me know if you think I can help
There is one....
I always spend quality time...moving, editing, so I guess I am at your call.
I'm willing to help out and i have pretty decent comp skills and with winter comeing i will be on here alot also and i am always on here a couple times a day at least

If ya feel i'm worthy Cap ya can add me
Captain I'll help in anyway I can. I don't know much (if any) about running a website and I don't know what kind of help you're looking for but I will help if I can.
Don't know much about how the site works and stuff, but I'd be more than willing to learn how to do it and to help out.

I know it doesn't seem like much, Cap, but I pretty much spend Mon-Fri 8-5 here and instead of mindless whoring, I would also be willing to help out in whatever way I can.

Just my humble inabilities...FWIW.
If you feel you can utilize me, just let me know.
I'd be lost without you guys/gals...

I spend far too much time on here, but I've learned so much, made some great friends, met some wonderful people...I dare say that 1/2 of my experience with owning a Busa comes directly from this site...

I'd love to help, but without a home PC right now, it wouldn't be fair for me to do work for the board from work...damn, I'm surprised I haven't gotten sh*t for being on here so much...guess it pays to work in the IT department!

Anything I can do to help out Cap, I will...and I doubt many are against a yearly fee, or chipping know how we all need to go on and on...
Let me know what you need me to do... And hey... Where is that damn instruction manual anyway... You figure I am on at work, I am on from home, hell it's usually running in the background... I get email notifications when I get Pm'd... So let me know...
Yeah same here just let me know what i need to do and if there is any other software that may be needed and such lets get to crackin
Couple of comments....

1. I don't know the first darn thing about how this board works, but I'm willing to learn if someone is willing to teach me....count me in as a volunteer if you need more and I'll do whatever I can.

2. Someone tossed in the idea of paid memberships....I think that would work stays free, people can pay to get a special icon or access to limited forums or whatever. That way no one is forced to pay, but those who can and are willing have an avenue to do so.

FWIW, I'd hate to see this site go. I don't post a lot, and only do so when I feel I have something valuable to add. I am, however, on the site quite a bit each day just reading or lurking, basically keeping up.

Let us help share the burden and thanks for all the hard work.

I'll do it Cap. 15 years in the Network/LAN/Wan field. MCSE, MCT, CCEA, CCA, CCI, CCIE, .......and I'm sure ya know what those stupid letters mean. Count me in. I'll give ya all I can.
I'll just pipe in with my take.

I love this site the best when comparing it to all of the other Busa site's I post on. Everyone feels like family, which is a hard thing to find on many other website's. I would be very sad if .org went away, and I wish I could help run the board, but with me carrying 15 credit hours in school, I spend more time then I should on the net.

You are appreciated here, and I hope stay's around for a few more years.
Is it that time of year again already? Of course the site should continue. I still learn things here and I even give back on occassion. But this isn't the first time this subject has come up and it probably won't be the last. It is a cyclical thing......low summer participation.....rash of ass holes joinning.......low holiday participation......stupid arguments.....etc. It is a big 'ole circle, but in between the bumpy spots is all the great stuff...the new friends, new mods, new products, vendor info, and good conversation.

The answer is the same as the last time the question was asked. We want the board to stay, but don't want to see it negatively affect you Doug. Anyone here enough to read the question, probably likes it here, so 99% of these responses will be in support. The real question is who is paying attention? Who is making an effort to improve the content on the board? Who is willing to support the board by buying merchandise? Who has skills and will volunteer to help with the administration? Etc.

I would volunteer, but I am a computer idiot as you know. But if the gallery works like FTR's gallery, I have a pretty good understanding of it. So let me know if there is anything you need me to do.

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whoa, you can't shut down the board..... I have been telling everyone about this board. I never look on the internet except to click on my Hayabusa.Org Icon on my desktop. I agree with the upload and video deletion. I also would gladly pay a monthly/yearly membership. I do think this board needs to stay, but it has to be a passion, a true appreciation for motorcycles and those who ride them. If that is gone then its time to close up shop.