It basically boils down to this, for the past 4 years we have been working very hard to add features, stir things up, post and get membership hitting hard and now that I don't have a lot of time do do those things I feel that I am neglecting the site. The board is stagnate in looks, in the past we changed the main site roughly every 3 months and we havent done that in a long time. No new features on the board, no hacks, and NO pictures have been uploaded to the gallery from the members in months. At one point in time I had people knocking my doors over to post videos and images and that has all faded away. The money is really a small small part of what is going on here. I think that most of stems from just having the feeling that the site is fading away. There are 75 trouble tickets that have been opened from folks that are needing some sort of help with the site... Marc, Lori, Kent, Josh, I could go on and on with names of folks that I have come to think of as friends because of this sick twisted thing we call the Inernet. I think that a portion of my concerns stem from not having communications with you all when you have events, I bet if I was able to go to laguna once I would never think about turning the site off. But in all reality I've only met 3 of ya and two came to my house. I just need to make sure that Im not the guy that is broadcasting my own radio station with no one listening... If there is still some good coming from this site then so be it... No charges, no fees, no membership dues.... If you all are telling me that friendships are still being formed and relationships continue then the site continues to meet it's original objective. Rev the reason this comes up every 6 - 9 months is because I go through periods where I don't see any activity on the website as a whole, yeah there are a lot (A LOT -- 14 million hits on the board alone last month) of folks that lurk on the site but activity has died way way down. I might shrink the site a tad and just leave the board up and remove the gallery and videos, chat, email, and banners and just let the site manage itself for awhile...
Thanks for the input...
aka CAp