how did you meet your significant other

Met my wonderful wife on the internet. I didn't think that stuff really worked, but it does. We chatted for a couple of months, then exchanged cell numbers, then home numbers, and then finally after a couple more months decided to meet in a public setting. All went well, and the rest is history!! :thumbsup:
Met at church in 4th grade..became high school sweethearts..married and 27 years later................................
after returning home to pa, broken hearted from my slutty first wife (told me one day "i want a divorce and by the way your daughter isnt yours") i to a sabatical from rational thought and truely whored myself out. one day i was woke up from a mid afternoon nap to "im a freind of so and so and i have a freind that just got out of a bad relationship and is looking for a nice guy" dont know why but i decided to meet. she wasnt best looking or shapely but she had her daugher with her (she is 16 now but still on on ssi for being slow due to cord wrapped around her neck at birth and being born dead) and i was amazed on how she handled her. so i thought hell she would be good for my kids too. well she invited me to dinner the next night and promptly introduced me to her wonderful cooking (oven thermostat was shot and she blackened the meatloaf but i still ate it all) and we have had our problems and broke up every once in a while but going on being together now almost 13 years and with our youngest now 11.
I met her and bought her on e-bay, ain't she a looker? :rofl:

Busa 1.jpg
Met through a mutual friend. She was in the middle of a divorce. We ended up moving in to an apartment together a few months later. One year after that we got married. After over 8 years together she divorced me claiming the exact same reasons as her first failed marriage. For the last 3 years she focused on hording all the money she made at work so she could leave with thousands and half of everything else. So much for love.

I'm done with everyone. I'm going to sell the house and become a hermit.
I was 20...she was 16 and a senior in high school. Grangeville, Idaho.

Gave my little bro a ride to school one mornin, and saw this fox getting out of a cool pickup, and walkin toward the school entrance. She was wearin turquoise jeans.....and had (has) a butt that I couldn't take my eyes off of..

We met ( thanks to my bro) a week or two later.

That was 27 years ago. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I guess I should embellish on how I met my wife. I had built a Walmart and it was in the stocking stage. She had just got hired on and I saw her stocking shelves. I had a g/f at the time but I was love struck. I approached her at an opportune moment and invited her for a ride on my SV1000. After, we had lunch and we dated a couple of times...she had a b/f. After a few months I called it all off to focus on my current relationship who broke up with me a few weeks later. Called Cassie up and asked if she wanted to go out to which she said yes of course and had just broken up with her b/f and we have been together ever since. Bought a house 2 months after we officially got together and got married 4 months later.
Me and my fiance met while we were stationed in Hawaii. We were heading to a Shriner's boat ride and my buddy in the back seat decided to harrass these two females in the car next to us for some of their hamburger while traveling down the strip. I noticed the driver but I didn't see her on the boat again.

The next weekend one of the motorcycle clubs was having a family day and I decided to ride over. Over on the fence minding her business was the future. We hit it off and went out on a few dates before we decided we made a good couple. For those in the military you know the Army will move you when your time is up. I PCSd later that year and went to lovely Fort Leonard Wood for a three year Instructor tour. She PCSd the next year to San Antonio (Air Force) and had our beautiful daughter. We survived the three years of separation by email, plane trips and 4 day weekend visits and then as luck would have it I PCSd again to Germany and now into the desert of Iraq.

We are scheduled to get married next month while I'm on EML. I'm leaving Germany next year and if I'm lucky the Army and the Air Force will get it right and we will be together.

All of this is to say to those who don't think long distance relationships work well we are an example that it does. God Bless all.
Me and my fiance met while we were stationed in Hawaii. We were heading to a Shriner's boat ride and my buddy in the back seat decided to harrass these two females in the car next to us for some of their hamburger while traveling down the strip. I noticed the driver but I didn't see her on the boat again.

The next weekend one of the motorcycle clubs was having a family day and I decided to ride over. Over on the fence minding her business was the future. We hit it off and went out on a few dates before we decided we made a good couple. For those in the military you know the Army will move you when your time is up. I PCSd later that year and went to lovely Fort Leonard Wood for a three year Instructor tour. She PCSd the next year to San Antonio (Air Force) and had our beautiful daughter. We survived the three years of separation by email, plane trips and 4 day weekend visits and then as luck would have it I PCSd again to Germany and now into the desert of Iraq.

We are scheduled to get married next month while I'm on EML. I'm leaving Germany next year and if I'm lucky the Army and the Air Force will get it right and we will be together.

All of this is to say to those who don't think long distance relationships work well we are an example that it does. God Bless all.
Good for you two.:thumbsup::cheerleader:
I met my wife in South Dakota on Ellsworth AFB! It was a winter day, while approaching the Base Visiter control center...I saw this RED BONE. She was exiting this old school Dodge Dart! Boy, this girl looks like one of those Red Bones from Lenoir, N.C. (Dula Town) that sometimes a mother, can get cut over. But, I took my chance an said" Yo baby, what is your name? Just to let you know, if you don't give me a date I'll have to think about this moment for the rest of my life!". Well, I got the date 1 year later, and have been stuck from then on. Only thing I regret is the fact that I have to go back to South D. once in a while. Man, that ride is a mother!!!
I was working at Pizza Hut during the day and going to school at night. One of my managers set us up on a blind date. She had tried setting everyone else in the place up with her and finally I was the one to say ok. Neither of us thought it was going to go anywhere. A year and a half later we decided to get married. It will be 13 years ago in May.