How do i win this???!!!

How do you win? You don't...

check into driving school options and lesser charges you can ask the judge to consider as a plea in exchange for a willing guilty plea.

This is an example of the mafia's power.

Those civil rights and the Constitution.....smoke screen. If you ever want to hear about why I say that....I'll pm you my number.
i have won countless tickets. The cop screwed up..made a call based on that broad radar but he made a wrong call. Judges know cops make mistakes and if those guys admit to passing you and you did not hit the brakes, you will be fine.

Edit: just saw gary's post and was reminded of how screwed up some cops can be lol...Thanks again gary!
Sad fact of it is, unless you have a Speedohealer, you weren't speeding. 60mph minus 10% (ish) comes to 54~ish. Bike speedometers, as far as I'm concerned, are set to 10% on purpose to make you think you're going faster than you are. That's not always a bad thing. just got a ticket for doing 54 in a 55. How's that grab ya? ???
the plain and simple fact is he could not have gunned all three of you at once consistently, the trucks were the ones speeding and teh fact that they passed you proves you were not going 83 talk to the DA when you get to your first appearance. explain the situation and the fact that there was no way he could accurately gun two trucks passing you and you at the same time. also have them check when the last calibration if the radar gun was done(save this for later if needed. then after your first appearance you can decide on if you need a lawyer or not. Thats the only real advice I can give for a bs charge like that. Good luck man
Oldschool makes a great point here...your radar signature was basically covered up by the trucks. There are only two digital readings given to him. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. However admitting you were speeding will also show the judge good character and honesty which should help you. As others have already the end you wont really win. No matter what its a waste of time, money, and energy.
oh and unless the officer wrote down you said you were doing 60 it never happened it is all relative seeing as he gave you a ticket for doing 83 you were never doing 60 you were not under oath and good luck with the cop actually remembering that considering how many tickets he has probably issued. there should be no official record of you saying you were only doing around 60.
the plain and simple fact is he could not have gunned all three of you at once consistently, the trucks were the ones speeding and teh fact that they passed you proves you were not going 83 talk to the DA when you get to your first appearance. explain the situation and the fact that there was no way he could accurately gun two trucks passing you and you at the same time. also have them check when the last calibration if the radar gun was done(save this for later if needed. then after your first appearance you can decide on if you need a lawyer or not. Thats the only real advice I can give for a bs charge like that. Good luck man
It may have been a long while since I got a speeding ticket but I don't know what traffic court you're talking about in cali that allows you to argue any point and there is certainly no DA present to plead with, at least none I've ever been to since 1986. Traffic courts are kangaroo courts. They exist to process people through the system as quickly as possible, the truth doesn't matter. They want to hear guilty or not guilty and that's all, there are no fancy courtroom lawyers arguments. There's a reason they make it so easy to take traffic school and pay a reduced fine whether you did it or not. You can however request a trial.

oh and unless the officer wrote down you said you were doing 60 it never happened it is all relative seeing as he gave you a ticket for doing 83 you were never doing 60 you were not under oath and good luck with the cop actually remembering that considering how many tickets he has probably issued. there should be no official record of you saying you were only doing around 60.
Just an FYI, LEO's do take notes of what you said during the stop, your attitude, etc.
I personally would fight it w/ out an Attorney & have before. Get the names of the people in the 2 trucks, they will probably sign an afidavit that they were speeding & passed you. Ask for the dash camera records. You can ask the Officer under oath if the 2 men in the truck were racing WITH you & you can ask him if he clocked your signature on radar alone.

I have gotten out of 2 tickets that were basically the same situation.

Good Luck
Sad fact of it is, unless you have a Speedohealer, you weren't speeding. 60mph minus 10% (ish) comes to 54~ish. Bike speedometers, as far as I'm concerned, are set to 10% on purpose to make you think you're going faster than you are. That's not always a bad thing. just got a ticket for doing 54 in a 55. How's that grab ya? ???

blank out your info, take a picture of it and post it....I'd love to see it.
Just so I have this right ,the officer thinks two picups passed a busa in a race. That alone should get thrown out of court.:rofl:
WOW!!!...i got ROYALLY screwed tonight...was on my way home from a "BikeNight" at a local Quaker Steak and Lube...followed some friends to their place first ...then on my way to my house (riding all alone)...i was on a particular stretch of road known to be frequented by i am cruising at 60 in a 55...sure enough in the median ahead of me i look and see a cruiser in a FAMOUS radar spot...i look AGAIN 60 MPH in a i'm thinking not tonight thing i know he rolls out hits his lights and i think wow...not me...who is it...i scan my mirrors and coming up on me like a freight train are TWO pickups blowing past me in the left i reach the arear the cop has to exit onto the road i pull over to let him "catch " the offenders...He pulls up to me and says (in a not so friendly voice)..."PULL OVER WITH THIS GUY UP AHEAD" i'm thinking ok but why??? i do as i'm told...kill the bike take off my helmet...i look around and only one truck is there...he asks the driver of the one truck who the driver of the second was and if he could call to get him to come back or he could pay a visit to his house...driver one says yes i can call this guy is making his call to driver 2...the cop walks up to me and says "wanna tell me why the THREE of you are endangering lives on my road"...WHAT?????????????was exactly what i said...he said he clocked me at 83 in a 55 and the other two as well...i told him NO WAY was i going 83...i KNEW i was only going 60 and didn't even see the trucks until they flew by me almost at the point of where he was sitting...the one guy even told him we were not together...i will be the first to admit GUILT at any time i am wrong...but this time i was in the wrong place at the wrong it possible he could not tell who was who on his radar because when he clocked them they were ripping by me at the same time???...i TRUELY was only going 60 MPH...i looked twice before i even saw him and again as soon as i saw him...i even asked him if he saw THEM "collecting" me and he said yes i did but this was not the place to dispute can 2 pickups be FLYING past me if he clocked us ALL at 83??? was written as a speed (83 in a 55) violation only but as a MANDATORY appearance...i WILL be contacting a lawyer first thing in the morning...any help???advice???i am fighting this tooth and i have a chance?...thanks fellow busa brothers and sisters...sorry so long winded but i am ROYALLY PISSED...The Bird :banghead:

Sounds like typical "...the tickets already written but you can clear it up in court..." BS from a cop not willing correct his mistake on the spot. He'd rather waste your time than his. If the judge thinks so as well, that judge will probably not be happy with the cop in court.

Get legal counsel if you can.

Best of luck!
Lawyer up, and get one that knows motorcycles. Be completely honest with the him/her and don't say a word.

You cannot win in a road-side with a cop. They issue ticket, you fight them in court.
It may have been a long while since I got a speeding ticket but I don't know what traffic court you're talking about in cali that allows you to argue any point and there is certainly no DA present to plead with, at least none I've ever been to since 1986. Traffic courts are kangaroo courts. They exist to process people through the system as quickly as possible, the truth doesn't matter. They want to hear guilty or not guilty and that's all, there are no fancy courtroom lawyers arguments. There's a reason they make it so easy to take traffic school and pay a reduced fine whether you did it or not. You can however request a trial.

Just an FYI, LEO's do take notes of what you said during the stop, your attitude, etc.

not the most recent one they didn't it's all digital now on a cute little palm pilot looking thing, (mind you this was weds of this week and it was a u-turn violation) But I spoke with a DA when I got a high speed and reckless a few years ago. Went into court sat with the DA went over the violations and after about an hour of discussion pleaded not guilty and lawyered up. Thats a whole nother story but the simple fact is they didn't write anything down when they tagged me and it is what my lawyer used to get the case down to an infraction. The fact that they had no real descritption of the reason for the high speed and wreckless (and of course the video too.) otherwise still plead not guilty and then speak to the da. it is a possibility. Mind you I spoke with them because it wasn't originally traffic court but it is an option at one point or another.
Hey bud, sorry to here this. I was caught in a pack of 8 and he pulled 2 of us over and gave us tickets. We go to court and everything and i still loose. I did not have a lawyer and regret it to this day. I picked this out of your post (the one guy even told him we were not together). Get this guys name and try to take him to the lawyers office with you and make sure this is told in court. Also like someone else said make him show you the video. That cant lie!! If you are seen when the trucks pass you then you got him right? Anyway i hope this little bit helps.
Honestly I wouldnt freak just yet. This happened to me awhile back but it involved another group of bikes instead of trucks. The cop said I was doin 93mph in a 60. I was speeding but I wasnt going that fast . When I started to talk to him about it he admitted that the radar they use only allows them to track the speeds of TWO vehicles at a time. In the end I admitted guilt that I had been speeding and ended up only having to pay for a 1-10mph over violation. Of course that will depend on your judge. But regardless they really have no way of proving all three vehicles were traveling at that speed even if u were going that fast. You will be fine.

yeah i hired a lawyer FIRST thing this morning...cost me 500.00...he is asking for a pre far as radar goes i spoke to a good friend ( a deputy sheriff here) about the radars that are used and he talked about his (which is the one u spoke of being able to track 2 DIFFERENT vehicles) but he also said that if a bike is travelling with or near a truck or car...NO way can the radar pick the SMALLER vehicle of the two...the units that cannot track 2 vehicles will NEVER be able to pick a bike out of a crowd of vehicles especially 2 trucks and a bike...he said the guy must be an idiot ( they do not know each other since one works for the county ( my friend) and the "gentleman" that wrote me the ticket)