How do i win this???!!!

not the most recent one they didn't it's all digital now on a cute little palm pilot looking thing, (mind you this was weds of this week and it was a u-turn violation)
Believe it or not even with the new digital stuff they keep an electronic file on you. Every LEO may not take notes every time but there is a place in the system where they can. I cannot remember what it is called but it exists. I am opposed to that myself but that's for another thread.
good luck and...i need to get to sharon..havent been there in year or two
Just to let you know the radar will pick up the largest signature or the fastest AND signature. This is the nature of the radar gun or dash mounted units. The fact that you were in the for ground means that it APPEARED you were going 80ish. Easy way of saying it if you are next to a Semi-Truck the radar can't tell the difference and you don't exsist.

If this was a "lidar" laser radar system, the operator can chose what car or bike to tag. If this was used you case may be a little harder note this is always a hand held unit so if the radar is mounted on the dash a "lidar" system will not work.

Also what was the light and range when he said you were speeding? I assume you were in the right lane and the trucks were in the left passing you.

A little known fact is the office must have probable cause to pull you over. Instrument such as the "breathalizer" and the radar gun are just there to confirm what the officer has already discovered though the nature of his trainning and time on the street. Long post short (too late) The officer can't say "My radar showed 2 trucks and a bike at 82 miles an hour." He needs to say I observed them and confirmed with my radar.

Just to let you know some of us are good with the eye ball for judging speed.

If you had a radar detector you would know if it was laser assisted or pure radar that hit you.

Just remember you only need to show reasonable doubt to the judge or some times the clerk of the court and you may not even go be for the judge. Be nice it is easier for a judge to hear you side with out bias if you are not MFing the cop. Cops and Judges get half truths all the time. Some times this causes them to become jaded.

Can't say more without getting into trouble. Good luck and reasonable doubt. Information is power and your friend.
Um guys :poke: I don't know how messed up your justice system is but there is no such thing as first appearances for infractions. Only Felony and Misdos.
Sorry about the rant if just gets my hackles up when someone with a case of shiny badge. Makes the rest of us look bad.
My brother is an attorney, and if I have learned anything from him, it is this:

1) DO NOT SAY ANYTHING to the police/DA beyond basic niceties (hello, goodbye).


Remember the saying, "The man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.". Depending on the infraction and penalty, it is your call whether it is worth it to get a lawyer or to swallow the fine/points/insurance that goes with the ticket. If you decide to fight a ticket, though, GET A LAWYER.
Just so I have this right ,the officer thinks two picups passed a busa in a race. That alone should get thrown out of court.:rofl:

Tell me about it...i started to ask him why in gods name would i ever even think of WASTING gas racing two PIECE OF SH*T midsized pick-ups when i own the most sophistcated and technological piece of two wheeled equipment EVER built:bowdown::banghead::bowdown:
Sad that you have to drop $500 bucks to prove your innocence though, you know? All because someone cant properly opreate and/or interpret what his radar gun says.
Um guys :poke: I don't know how messed up your justice system is but there is no such thing as first appearances for infractions. Only Felony and Misdos.

Oh no your correct mine started as a misdemeanor. Later it became an infraction imagine that. (Yay for the lawyer) :whistle:
Hope you can argue this and get your ticket dismissed... good luck

It is sad the Law can accuse you of speeding 60 or 160 and whether you're guilty or not... You could end up paying for it and thats that.

LEO pulling in more revenue in tickets than their yearly salary... Do you think that happens...??? just wondering... thats why I dont speed :whistle: