good morning all
hey penis: i don't drink...shows how much you know.
don't try to make excuses for why your dumbass.
it don't matter, you've already showed everybody how a suck ass you are.
don't jack off your mouth and then try to be inocent.....your a reject!
point made this situation the way it is and now thats just the way it is...
so now because mouth, you'll just have to put up with me ripping on your ass.....
next time think before you print your stupid poop. i'll be like this with you as long as were both on here. this is what you were trying to accomplish anyway. thats why you screw with so many people. just to see how far you can lean on them before they pop.(i said pop)...
i'm a pretty decent person until you step to hard on my feet. and thats what you've done.
on top of all that, i don't even think you have a ya?
your a wanta be...right?
if you do then....lets see your title with just your name on it. you can hide the rest of the info on it.
but i'm sure the bank has it...right?
to finish this reply off. i don't like being like this but i don't like letting people like you good time with me either.
anytime you have something to say about me.....make sure you have the facts first.
don't speculate with me....pal
to all you guys that don't like reading this kind of stuff from me...your just going to have to put up with it until i get my point across to this sugar.
ps..dirty pete, i don't care if you have or had any respect for me or not because your nothing but a damn jerk to me now....frank