I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible? Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?
Please help!
sorry to bust your friends' friends' bubble-but standing record right now is 253mph on a turbo'd busa ... 256 unofficial rec. cuz speed was set one-way. Most busa's dont see north of 200mph-n honestly, 190 is pretty damn fast-trust me
if you just gotta have the fastest thing out there n wanna hit 200+mph-go buy a top-fuel drag car, or set up a turbo'd vette/supra for salt flat racing with new gears...shud be good for 230mph, 240easy.
my question-why top speed such a priority? u can make a GSX-R1000 gear'd to go 200 if you want, or any other bike with the right parts n enuf power...but where can u use that, really?