How fast can you get the busa?


I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible? Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?

Please help!
To the speed limit by twisting the throttle. Some times I go  a little over the speed limit and I have to twist the throttle back some. It's a finesse thing.

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I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible?
Roll your right-wrist back as far as it can go while in 6th gear.
Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?[/QUOTE]
Tell your friend that you have a friend who says the friend of your friend is full of ca-ca.
I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible? Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?

Please help!
sorry to bust your friends' friends' bubble-but standing record right now is 253mph on a turbo'd busa ... 256 unofficial rec. cuz speed was set one-way. Most busa's dont see north of 200mph-n honestly, 190 is pretty damn fast-trust me;)
if you just gotta have the fastest thing out there n wanna hit 200+mph-go buy a top-fuel drag car, or set up a turbo'd vette/supra for salt flat racing with new gears...shud be good for 230mph, 240easy.

my question-why top speed such a priority? u can make a GSX-R1000 gear'd to go 200 if you want, or any other bike with the right parts n enuf power...but where can u use that, really?
275mph, no way!

It takes money to make the busa go faster and faster.

I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible?
Roll your right-wrist back as far as it can go while in 6th gear.
Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?
Tell your friend that you have a friend who says the friend of your friend is full of ca-ca.[/QUOTE]
mucho ca-ca
In SA we have space and open roads to take the busa far north off 200
(340 km ph ) we do so every sunday on a breakfast run...
I saw a vid and the guy got it to about 235mph. How do you get it to the maximum speed and exceleration possible? Also, i have a friend that said his friend took his bike out to the salt flats with a turbo, or supercharger on it and got it to 275mph, is this possible?

Please help!
sorry to bust your friends' friends' bubble-but standing record right now is 253mph on a turbo'd busa ... 256 unofficial rec. cuz speed was set one-way. Most busa's dont see north of 200mph-n honestly, 190 is pretty damn fast-trust me;)
if you just gotta have the fastest thing out there n wanna hit 200+mph-go buy a top-fuel drag car, or set up a turbo'd vette/supra for salt flat racing with new gears...shud be good for 230mph, 240easy.

my question-why top speed such a priority? u can make a GSX-R1000 gear'd to go 200 if you want, or any other bike with the right parts n enuf power...but where can u use that, really?
No no no, you got it all wrong, top speed is not MY personal priority. Enjoying my bike is my priority. And my second priority is weeding out the bullsh!# from the facts. But thanks for the info.

Yes, i doubted he got it that fast. I just wanted to see what you guys would say.

But in all seriousness, i'm not really that big on the high speed stough, "the temptation will be there," but i am also one of those people that can "control", themselves.

But thanks!!!!

People have the WRONG IDEA about HIGH SPEEDS!
One is making a machine able to reach HIGH SPEEDS and the other is the ablity to withstand HIGH SPEEDS on the machine.
People have NO idea how VIOLENT the forces are around a human doing 200mph.
They think it is like a ride at the "County Fair". Oh how WRONG they are! It's more like your in a "Night Mare" and your doing everything to hang on for your life!
Sorry have to do it..
To Reach top speed, find a empty Road about 5 miles long. Turn the black thingy On the Righthandle bar as far down and towards you that it I go in 6th gear. Make sure you checked the tires closely a nail can sling out at 150 then the tire will deflate quickly. You won't know it's flat until the speed drops to about 100 clamp your butt to the seat and hang on for dear life until you can safely stop . I only ran mine up to 150 because I felt I wanted to go there one time. But, Now I am saying 170 would be sweet.. the Bike felt great at that speed so I don't mind going 20 mph faster..The 200 Mph Club sounds sexy, But I am too old for that much..wingwang.. Ride safe wear your Gear. !
People have the WRONG IDEA about HIGH SPEEDS!
One is making a machine able to reach HIGH SPEEDS and the other is the ablity to withstand  HIGH SPEEDS on the machine.
People have NO idea how VIOLENT the forces are around a human doing 200mph.
They think it is like a ride at the "County Fair". Oh how WRONG they are! It's more like your in a "Night Mare" and your doing everything to hang on for your life!
No kidding, at 180 I thought the wind was going to remove my helmet. I like the twisty stuff more than high speed, it makes you a better rider too.

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I had mine around the 200 mph mark and I never felt any violent forces there, but I respect that they are there. To me the ride was rather stable like the Busa always is. I'm concecned more about birds flying up or animals on the roads,(like bears also)
I had to do a lot of engine work to get mine close to that. 187 was all that it would do stock on gps.
I got mine to 165, and didn't go faster cause I ran out of road. I think I could have easily hit the 180, possibly 186 mark if I had enough room............I even had a video cam in my tank bag to record it! The wind at that speed though is pretty rough. I have to say though, I can't really tuck behind my windscreen as much as other people(I'm 6'1 and weigh 165).
I did find a "magical" riding pos. though.......Make sure you have the no ho on, and sit as far back in the seat as possible and tuck behind the windscreen. For me, at least, making sure to keep my butt as far back as possible somehow creates a very aerodynamic position. I know ducking is the natural fast riding position, but I didn't know that sitting further back in the seat would make such a difference! I can even feel some weird pressures behind the screen at 150. My ears start popping, and it's fairly calm if you keep you chin on the gas tank..........And sitting up is a good way to air brake. Not kidding!!............just don't do it at 165!
I got mine to 165, and didn't go faster cause I ran out of road. I think I could have easily hit the 180, possibly 186 mark if I had enough room............I even had a video cam in my tank bag to record it! The wind at that speed though is pretty rough. I have to say though, I can't really tuck behind my windscreen as much as other people(I'm 6'1 and weigh 165).
I did find a "magical" riding pos. though.......Make sure you have the no ho on, and sit as far back in the seat as possible and tuck behind the windscreen. For me, at least, making sure to keep my butt as far back as possible somehow creates a very aerodynamic position. I know ducking is the natural fast riding position, but I didn't know that sitting further back in the seat would make such a difference! I can even feel some weird pressures behind the screen at 150. My ears start popping, and it's fairly calm if you keep you chin on the gas tank..........And sitting up is a good way to air brake. Not kidding!!............just don't do it at 165!
You must have some pretty smooth roads where you are if you can put your chin on the tank. You'd knock your teeth together if you tried that where I live in Metro Detroit.
It really helps to get the double bubble windshield from Zero Gravity. It gives you less turbulence at higher speed--much better wind protection at higher speeds.
I got mine to 165, and didn't go faster cause I ran out of road.  I think I could have easily hit the 180, possibly 186 mark if I had enough room............I even had a video cam in my tank bag to record it!  The wind at that speed though is pretty rough. I have to say though, I can't really tuck behind my windscreen as much as other people(I'm 6'1 and weigh 165).  
    I did find  a "magical" riding pos. though.......Make sure you have the no ho on, and sit as far back in the seat as possible and tuck behind the windscreen.  For me, at least, making sure to keep my butt as far back as possible somehow creates a very aerodynamic position.  I know ducking is the natural fast riding position, but I didn't know that sitting further back in the seat would make such a difference! I can even feel some weird pressures behind the screen at 150.  My ears start popping, and  it's fairly calm if you keep you chin on the gas tank..........And sitting up is a good way to air brake.  Not kidding!!............just don't do it at 165!
You must have some pretty smooth roads where you are if you can put your chin on the tank.  You'd knock your teeth together if you tried that where I live in Metro Detroit.
lol, well, if you know anyone from the houston area, they'll tell you the roads are anything but smooth. I really ment the chin of the helmet.
I find this all really strange, I've done 195 mph on a stock busa and i didn't use all the busa power.

A stock busa in Europe drives around 200 mph and these are the numbers from Suzuki!

What is so different between my busa and a US busa?





ok i remember watchin one of the tv shows bout the guy tryin to make a salt flat 2 wheel cockpit make a new record i think mr turbo was a sponsor after 260 the tires where melting but they had to use tires that where produced in the 70's cause they dont make them so that takes care of that myth.
who cares bout how fast overall it is about how fast you can get it there from a dead stop
We have open long straight roads for top end runs. RED line in 5th with the needle pinned at 300 then kick it into 6th and it keeps on hauling. 10700rpm at 6000 feet altitude and it simply will not go any faster. Running a full yoshi with BMC filter.
I was able to hit the was a rush..but it was only for a second or 2. havent hit it again.