How fast have you been?

180 indicated.
I ran 165 (indicated) sustained through the Indian lands of North Dakota. There was no one for miles in any direction. Kinda weird. But when you crest a small rise and can't even make out the end of the rode you just kinda have to let loose. It got to the point that cruising less than 100 made ya feel like you we're standing still. Was a little frightening at first. But i would crest...........see nothing and then wind her up.........then back off. I'd wind it up a little faster each time and then just held it. I would occassionally come up on an oncoming car and then nothing again. Finally I said "that's enough" and backed it back down. I hovered between 90 and 100 till the sun started getting higher in the sky and the traffic picked up a bit.
My Speedo seems remarkably accurate. Saw a State Trooper in Wyoming and looked down at the speedo.......85mph. when he pulled me over radar said 85. The rode side speedo........."your going X mph.........Slow Down!" . I look down and always...... right on the money?
Did 165 on my 96 YZF 600 500RPM from the end of tach. (wouldn't pull any more) Only did 150 on busa. (only 800 mi. on it)
Where did you dig up this thread? April 2002?!

Oh, 150 chasing Doc in the desert with Kawafaski right behind me. Wahoo!
I've been 185 indicated I don't know how many times........we have this exit we take on the way back from Austin. It has four nice curves that are back to back and then you get back on the highway........well the access road past the highway entrance ramp is a two mile straight stretch and you should already be doing about 140 when you hit the beginning of the access road..........I tap it out every time. Even passed a sheriff at 185 indicated on that road..............he didn't even move.
I ran 165 (indicated) sustained through the Indian lands of North Dakota. There was no one for miles in any direction. Kinda weird. But when you crest a small rise and can't even make out the end of the rode you just kinda have to let loose. It got to the point that cruising less than 100 made ya feel like you we're standing still. Was a little frightening at first. But i would crest...........see nothing and then wind her up.........then back off. I'd wind it up a little faster each time and then just held it. I would occassionally come up on an oncoming car and then nothing again. Finally I said "that's enough" and backed it back down. I hovered between 90 and 100 till the sun started getting higher in the sky and the traffic picked up a bit.
My Speedo seems remarkably accurate. Saw a State Trooper in Wyoming and looked down at the speedo.......85mph. when he pulled me over radar said 85. The rode side speedo........."your going X mph.........Slow Down!" . I look down and always...... right on the money?
You pulled over in Wyoming? I think I would've bailed. And rode by like this.
160mph indicated. Working on more, but time (and mods) will tell. Want to become part of the 200mph club.
