Everyone is different. You need to start riding in traffic to get used to it.
A couple of hints:
1. Be Ultra-aware of the vehicles around you.
2. Don't crowd the cars in front. Whatever distance looks good, and double that for following distance.
3. Keep and eye on the cars behind you to make sure they aren't crowding you.
4. Get a Kisan PathBlazer headlight modulator, unless you are going to get an HID. The flashing gets better attention in traffic, but both are more visible to others than stock bulbs. Also, get a Back-Off on the brakelight ASAP.
5. Ride with good gear, all of it, even if it's just around the block.
6. Always look for an "out" that you can ride to for safety in the traffic. I have used the left median/shoulder a couple of times, which is the only reason I'm still alive today.
And the last:
7: Relax and enjoy. It's a passion that most people will never understand.
I stopped at 7 on purpose.
I took the course. It was ok, Iv gained more knowledge riding around the streets of NYC in a week then that course gave me. I wasnt really to satisified with it.
I took the course. It was ok, Iv gained more knowledge riding around the streets of NYC in a week then that course gave me. I wasnt really to satisified with it.
you get what you want outta the course. if you already know everything going into the course, what do you have to learn? /sarcasm
the most common person that doesn't get "anything" out of the course are usually young males, who've been riding a few months on their own.
i've had riders w/ centuries of exp. get something outta the class.
is nothing else in the world that will make you a better street rider. Pushing a bike to its limits and knowing what it is going to do and when it is going to bite you in the ass.
The course is great, I personally didnt feel like I got that much out of it. But the female instructor who was teaching the class was a real nasty SOB. That probably didnt help. ON ANOTHER NOTE, i got the bike this morning. All i can say is WOW, its incredible, Id say its like a cadillac. Its really nice to ride but if you slam on the gas or rather throttle its like an untamed beast. I only did a few miles because I had to get to work, but it was amazing and I dont regret buying it, Im very happy with it and I plan on spending alot of time on it, learning the ins and out, while also respecting the power of it. I took it nice and easy today and I had all sorts of A Holes honking and cursing me out. People hate riders in NYC. Its ridiculous.
Try Atlanta rush hour traffic in the rain. Had to goes at it yesterday.
When you're comfy. period. There's no time table here brother.