First bike, 2002 Honda VTX 1800 C. Other than the weight, a fairly easy bike to learn on. The first couple months, I killed it a few times turning right when taking off from stop signs. It would come to a rest at about a 45 degree angle against the foot pegs - so probably not the best cornering bike around. I dropped it in a mudhole once, trying a short cut, so not so good off road either. Kinda sad seeing your tires elevated above your windshield, everything covered in mud. Later that same trip I hit a deer at 60 mph, T-boned him straight on, but the bike stayed up and covered the 3000 miles home b4 getting fixed. So, to summarize, little or no off road and cornering capability, but a pretty good platform for hunting.
Traded it for a 2004 BMW 1150 GS Adventure, a bike I truly love. We've visited every continental state and province together, don't plan on ever trading it. Just bought a Gen II busa, for fun. The BMW will still be my traveling bike, but you know, I've just always wanted a busa...