How many Gen I's made/How many stock ones remain?

Yowzuh pan! That's the fourth one I've seen of that "special" model! ;- )

Is that CF or just looks like it? If so, how much weight did you save? That thing is wicked...
im the same way on this

GSXR-750 CBR-600F2 029.JPG
:cool:My '03 is stock except for a pair of bolt on yoshi cans. I have the originals though! 4,200 miles on my baby. Pure excitement my friends!

Busa 2.jpg
yeah...i guess that sums up the difference between "collectors" and "riders"...collectors like theirs all stock and riders like...well?..a bit more rider friendly than guess i screwed mine up's my Silver/Gray '03 GenI with my latest lid (shoei rf1100 diabolic/revelations)..and the bike?..full akro exhaust system with a PCIIIUSB, BMC Race AF, GiPro A.T.R.E./Gear Indicator, Puig DubBub windscreen, Vortex Frame Sliders, $545 worth of unobtainium cyclecat rearsets, Clear Alternatives Combo Brake/Turn Indicator Tail-light and SS braided cables throughout..and still runs and rides waaaay better than the day i got it...bone stock. :laugh:


and extremely so not sorry that i culled the herd of bone stock collectables. :laugh:

cause basically?..i was getting GENII level performance long before they ever came out! :laugh:


life...whadda rush! L8R, Bill. :cool:
I just bought an 07 black one with 3500 miles, it is 100% stock and going to stay that way. I flip a lot of bikes, but I will only buy low mile unmolested crotch rockets. I started with 500 bucks 2 years ago, pay cash for everything, now I have a really nice busa and 2 grand left over.

