It is much more cost effective to be on the highway catching lots of speeders endangering nobody. Why waist your time in a neighborhood where people slow down when they see you. You can't write very many tickets.
I live near the end of a dead end street that is 25mph. It is long enough that people get going much faster than they should. There is an area, still in the neighborhood, where a cop sits every now and then and I stopped and asked him once if he could sit on my street. He said it is difficult because people slow down when they see him and he doesn't catch many people speeding. ???
So I say thanks and ask if he could get over there a little.
I am thinking, it is fine with me that people slow down. It is a neighborhood there are kid out playing and people walking dogs. Isn't the job "To PROTECT and Serve" I really can't think of many examples of where police actually protect, but simply being present so people slow down, I would think is a form of protecting people. He might even be shocked at how many people come up and say hello. Of course his ticket count would go down.