How many of you remember...

Those are from my kids' time, Here is one I remember watching as a kid.

And this one.

This one.

Can't forget BJ and the bear.

Ching ching ching ching,

For some reason, the only episode of this one I remember is when a woman had her finger stuck in her mixer and had to call the FD to get it out.

I still think of this one when I see a '64 chevy.

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Oh plz your such children...
Hows about the "Hair Bear Bunch" - " The Banana Splits" - "The Electric Company" - " Bulwinkle " - " Fractured Fairy Tales " ... I could go ... I musta be-a kinda old guy ...
I like how they edited out the violence from The Road Runner and Bugs Bunny. COME ON! We're not total idiots, sheeesh

and tell me WHY did they do THAT and then continue to broadcast Super Transforming Killbots with special guest Large Hootered Leather Girl fighter... noooo THAT's not damaging at all. they run around firing missles at everyone - maybe they miss a lot but the violent intension is the same

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The orignal Batman & The Green Hornet! " Get Smart " and hows about a lil know space comedy " Quork " yeeeeeeow!
Oh plz your such children...  
 Hows about the "Hair Bear Bunch" - " The Banana Splits" - "The Electric Company" - " Bulwinkle " -  " Fractured Fairy Tales "  ... I could go ...   I musta be-a kinda old guy ...
No my friend....we aren't old...

We're "seasoned" !!
Can anyone find tom & jerry "crambone"? Remeber the song "where would a wedding supper be.... something... in a eucalyptus tree crambone"!
You guys did know that Gilligan died last month at the age of 74. And the guy from get smart died a week later.
aahhh the memories lol what about woody woodpecker or johnny quest.or the godzilla cartoons,or tarzan,superfriends,jabber jaws or speed buggy?top cat ,yogi bear and you cant forget scooby doo!
Holy Cow!! Johnny Quest, Bewitched in black and white, Underdog, Banana Splits. What about "conjunction junction, what's your function?"
I hated educational stuff when I was trying to rot my brain Saturday morning cartoons!!!

How many saved the 12" tall GI Joes, or original AFX HO electric cars and track???