How many of you remember...

How about Mighty Mouse, Thunderball (not cartoon, but manicans), and Thundar the Barbarian???
Cartoon violence was never more severe than in Heckle and Jeckle. Tom & Jerry was a pretty close second followed by the illustrious Road Runner.

All classically perfect!

The Thunderbirds, Howdy Doody, Kaptain Kangeroo,and yes to Johnny Qwest, Space Ghost, Thor, Lost in Space, the original season of Star Trek.
Don't forget H.R. Puffinstuff and Witchty Pooh.
with the talking flute and the mad hatter.
I loved HR Puffinstuff! Wichy pooh was hilaries..

Let's not forget Tennesee Tuxido... and Mr. Peabody even!

OK... For those that watched The Matrix.... how many of you caught the line... as Neo was running through the alley on the cell phone looking for a way out, he say.. "Help Mr. Wizard, get me outta here"
I remembered that from the old cartoons, I think with the Tennesse Tuxido, Assop's Fables, and such~ Can't remember which one it was, but I seem to recall a Turtle charactor that would get sent through history and once in trouble would scream out that very line! My wife, who's only 5 years younger then I, thought i was nuts when I started laughng and said something about it during the movie...
There was also an old Christian one that was one of those "Clay" kinda toons called Davey and Golieth(sp?)~ Golieth was Davey's dog and everytime he did something wrong he would always say.."Gee Davey... I'm sowry"~ For some reason that one always stuck in my head too...

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Anybody mention Felix the Cat or Gumby?

I actually haerd that voice as I read post. "Ddaaavvey".

I hate HR Puff-n-stuff. Felix the cat started out as an adult cartoon at the theater. Used to be raunchy.
Yeah, didn't Felix the Cat come from the Fabulas Freak Brother's comics?
Yeah, didn't Felix the Cat come from the Fabulas Freak Brother's comics?
Although you get points for stating your answer in the form of a question, the answer we were looking for was:

"Who was FRITZ the cat?"

"Who was Fat Freddy's Cat?"

Thanks for playing, we have some nice parting gifts for you...
Well dang... too many brain cells burnt beyond rememberance, I suppose~
Mono at 7 ---Oh no not another Rocky and Bullwinkle-- six months sick--Arrg    

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