E Zurcher
Manufacturers warranty their tires for 6 years. I've ran tires well past the 6 year mark and they worked just fine. Although, how they are stored makes a difference.
I recently dug up an old Dunlop 207 tire that was dated 2001 that had been kicked around in the garage for a long time. I thought about tossing the tire but decided I'd give it a go just to see if it was still functional. It worked flawlessly. I'm not saying it was as good as new because I can't remember how well they worked when they were new but it had enough grip to launch the front airborne as well as enough grip to lean it all the way to the edge.
If it were me, I would have no doubts about a 2 year old tire. I'd be concerned about the 9000 miles on the carcass. If you have no interest in shagging the beast all the way to the edges, I wouldn't be concerned about the mileage until the tread was gone.
Fresh tires are always a treat and money well spent. Just keep in mind that your Pilot Road's are touring tires and no matter what your friends has to say about them, they are still touring tires and must be treated as such.
Wow Tuff, we actually agree on something!